Release Party PT.1

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The release party for "Poison Poison" took place at Mike's beach house. This was a tradition Mike kept up for all the new artists releasing their first track with the label. His house, right on the beach, turned into a bustling spot for these special nights. People from all over the music world showed up—Mike's friends from the industry, big names in music, and even a few celebrities. They all came to celebrate, chat, and share the new song with their fans. It was a perfect chance for Reneé to meet important people and get her music out there. 

The drive over to Mike's beach house was supposed to take only 20 minutes, but just thinking about spending that whole time in the car with Reneé sent my nerves through the roof. So, what did I do? I "accidentally" ended up ordering not one, but two Ubers. And then, I said, "I mean, I can't cancel one now that they're already here. They need to make a living too," to explain why we'd take separate cars to get there.

Yeah, not exactly a shining moment for me. But, can you really blame me? I've got a whole night ahead of making sure Reneé mingles with the right crowd. Trying to focus on that after being stuck with her in a car with all the unresolved tension from earlier? No way. 

So, I spent those 20 minutes in my own Uber trying desperately to push away thoughts about what just happened. Trying to convince myself it was nothing.

Except, it wasn't working. Like, at all.

What even was that back there? I mean, sure, that was Reneé, and yeah, I found myself looking at her in a way that— But it's Reneé. It must have been a one-time thing.  But what if-

"We're here," the Uber driver announced, snapping me out of my fast moving thoughts. Well, so much for using the ride to not think about Reneé.

"Thanks," I tell the Uber driver as I step out, the grandeur of Mike's beach house sprawling before me. It's a stark, modern marvel, all clean lines and vast panes of glass, practically screaming luxury in a very 'Mike' way.

"Y/n!" The moment I look up, Mike is there, bursting through the front door with a mix of excitement and relief. "Finally," he breathes out, closing the distance between us quickly. Then, pausing, his eyes flick around. "Wait, where's Reneé?"

Right on cue, the second Uber pulls up. "There," I say, pointing awkwardly towards it, my attempt at a casual smile probably looking more strained than I'd like.

Reneé steps out, and it's like her gaze has its own spotlight, zeroing in on me instantly. "Y/n, can we—" she starts, but I'm not ready to dive into that conversation. Not here.

"Let's head inside!" My voice is a notch too enthusiastic, almost startling myself with the volume.

"Brilliant," Mike chimes in, all but ushering us forward with a wave of his hand. "There's a whole crowd inside dying to meet you," he tells Reneé.

"Can't wait," she says, though her tone suggests otherwise. It's clear she'd much rather talk with me than mingle.
I wasn't up for any deep talks with Reneé right then, not with the party in full swing. I couldn't even start to think what she'd bring up, but I was sure it'd make things weird fast.

So, for the next three hours, I did my job like a pro, sticking close to Reneé as expected. But I was slick about keeping our chat to just the must-say stuff. Every time it looked like we were done talking to someone, I'd smoothly steer her to the next person, pretty proud of myself for keeping things smooth.

Mike's place was perfect for a party, especially with those big sliding doors that made it feel like the outside and inside were one big space. With the sun shining and not a cloud in sight, everyone ended up outside where there was music, drinks, and snacks ready. Mike really knew how to put on a show.

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