Chapter no.107 Gold and Crystal

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In their last encounter Gary only saw Charmander battle and thought that his 'Rival' only won that one battle as a fluke but now seeing the strength of his other Pokemon including him having a Pidgeot on his team now showed that he truly underestimated Ash.

"Tch." Gary turned away with Austin looking back at him. "At least you're raising your Pokemon."

Austin just rolled his eyes at that.

" But nice battle." Okay, that surprised Austin and he was pretty sure it showed up on his face when Gary looked at him. "Next time however I'll be sure to win Ashy-Boy."

With that, he walked off, although his face had a frown as he saw the surprised look.

Something was seriously wrong with Ash and he intended to find out what.

Maybe he could speak with him while they were on the Ship?

"Chu?" Pikachu forced himself to sit up so he could climb on Austin's shoulder and a few seconds later, Charmander joined him on the other one.

"Mander." Charmander shrugged at what Pikachu said both of them find that a bit odd as they remembered Gary's last interaction with their trainer pretty well.

"Right well come on, let's get you guys healed up," Austin told his Pokemon.

Later that day, Austin sighed as he went to meet up with the others to eat dinner.

After he healed up his team he was been bombarded by other trainers for battles and he used them to train up his team a bit-especially where Fearow was involved as while he was gentle with the bird Pokemon he didn't want him to feel left out.

He won some and lost others but just about everyone on his team gained experience.

Although he also lost sight of Green after a while as the girl slipped away while he battled.

His mind froze as he saw Brock, Misty, and Yellow but they also had three people he didn't think he would see for quite a while.

Rudy he knew he would eventually meet but not this soon but the other two.

'Gold and Crystal?' Austin thought in shock knowing it was them because of the Aipom and Smoochum next to them.

"Ash," Brock called out snapping him out of his shock.

"Hey, Brock," Austin said walking up to them.

Sitting down, he looked at the three he hasn't met yet- and smiled.

"Hi, my name's Ash."

"Nice to meet you," Kris said giving a polite grin in return. "I'm Lyra, but call me Kris."

"Or Crystal." Ethan butted in earning a look from his friend. "I'm Ethan or Gold whatever you prefer."

Austin gave a nod, feeling relief that they had those nicknames so he wouldn't slip up.

"And I'm Rudy from the Orange Islands." Rudy greeted holding his hand out for a handshake that Austin accepted.

"Pi." Pikachu jumped off of Austin's shoulders onto the table while Charmander climbed down to sit on Austin's lap as he sat down.

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