Chapter 10

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Millys POV

I can't believe him after all Thomas and his friend put him through and he just forgives it all and jumps into bed with him.

I didn't even get to tell him it.

That stupid fucking Thomas got with my sister and now my best friend. He ruined both things for me.

Now the only person I do have is my cousin.

But he isn't in the country right now.

He's in fucking LA getting interviewed for his book release.

And I'm stuck here with my horrible sister and a best friend that hates me.

I'm so fucking sick of everyone turning on me.

First it was Lana and all my friends because I dared to speak to and defend Liam.

And he does this. Defends the person who made his live a living hell.

I'm so fucking tired of everyone.

But Jack comes back next week.

Atleast then I'll have somebody.

Thomas' POV

Converasation was a bit tense after he asked me about my parents.

But how could I tell him about all off that.

What am I just meant to say 'Oh yeah my parents are abusive junkies that only care about me if it's to yell at me for my failure'

That would be a great bit of conversation.

But I don't mind us not talking much.

It's just nice to hold him in my arms.

I really do like him.

Maybe even love him.

But it's too early for that. Well in this relastionship? Is that even what it is?


"What is it?" He said sweetly.

"Are we boyfriends?"

"If you want us to be."

I didn't answer I thought about it.

"Do you want to be?" He asked.

"God yes." I responded.

Suddenly his lips were on mine.

Looks like I'm gonna have some fun now.


I don't think I'll ever get over how good sex with Liam is. Better them anyone else I've been with.

So ten chapters in how we feelin?

Q: Favourite dinosaur.

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