36. The Theo Drama

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It was a nice, sunny day.

Our lunch table has grown significantly, with Ryan and Anna joining us now too.

When Anna found out about Ryan's girlfriend being Jenny, all she had to say was, "I thought he was into Theo!"

I laughed and looked at Jenny. "Weren't you trying to convince me that Ryan had a thing for me?"

She groaned. "Don't remind me."

Ryan grinned and draped his arm across her shoulders, softly resting his head against hers. His height pretty much made her a diy pillow for him.

"It's so relaxing not having to sneak around any more."

I shook my head and shifted my focus on the boy next to me, who was moping about the fillings of his burger falling out.

"Finn, you really are a huge baby at times." I fixed it up for him and held it out so he could take it.

Instead, he leaned forward and took a bite. I raised an eyebrow. Was I a personal food holder for him now?

Theo was sitting on my other side, and decided to return to his old habits.

"Seb, I'm sleeeepy!" He wrapped his arms around me and proceeded to lay his head on top of mine.

Not even half a second later, he was pushed off and Finn's arms were wrapped around me instead. I looked at Theo, dazed, as he gaped at me.

"How is this fair!? I came before you, Finn!"

Finn gently pet my hair and placed a soft kiss on my head.

"He's mine now, go away."

Theo simply shook his head in disbelief and went back to bugging Anna instead. 

Anna had the biggest smile on her face, as she listened to Theo's ramblings.

Now that I thought about it, Anna and Theo seemed like a perfect match. Anna was timid and shy, but completely transformed around Theo. He was a huge goofball, but was extremely serious about the people he loved, and I knew his future partner would be one lucky person.

But I really couldn't sense any chemistry between them. It seemed more like two platonic soulmates who hit it off the moment they met, rather than lovers.

I sighed happily and cozied up to Finn. I wasn't too bothered about them, they seemed happy and it was none of my business anyway.

"Be nice to Theo, Finn." I teased. "After all, he was the whole reason I figured out my feelings for you."

He narrowed his eyes, but I could see him thinking.

"I really am indebted to him, huh?"

He lazily caressed my hair, speaking softly, so only I could hear him.

"I kind of realised your friends were rooting for us, they weren't conveniently 'disappearing' for nothing."

He took a look at Jenny and Ryan, who were wrapped up in their little world.

"Well, maybe not her. But Theo was definitely making up excuses."

He pulled me a little closer. "Yeah, I'm pretty thankful to him."

He gave me a stern look. "However, I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing while he throws himself on you all the time like that."

I laughed. "You're cute. You looked so serious right now."

He nodded to himself. "I was being serious."

I shook my head and smiled up at him. "I have absolutely no problem. I was tired of being a free armrest and headrest anyway."

He gave me an adorable little smile before going back to his careful burger eating process.

He was so damn cute.

"Oh, Seb. I'm sorry about the time I was teasing you about your obsession with Finn's hot volleyball skills." Jenny said, not looking sorry whatsoever.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Are you really?"

She grinned. "Nope. But I wanted you to get your head out your ass."

I laughed, as Ryan started grumbling about how she should focus on his 'hot football skills' instead.

I was secretly glad Jenny and Theo pushed me towards facing myself. They weren't the type of people to make me uncomfortable for no reason. They almost knew me better than I knew myself.

Besides, I'd begged her years ago to help me out when I was being too oblivious. I'm surprised she didn't scream about Finn in my face on day one.

Finn let out a low chuckle as he gave my waist a little squeeze. "Are you staying back to watch me play today too?"

I grinned. "Of course."


The bell had rung a while ago, and I was shutting my locker door. The only other person around me was Ryan. I decided to make the most out of this opportunity and confront him about his shitty friend.

I knew Ryan was a nice person, which is why it made no sense to me that he was friends with Ben.

"Ryan, what's up with Ben?"

He cringed a little at the mention of his name. "What about him?"

I gave him a quick rundown of the whole incident with Ben and Finn in the parking lot. Ryan's eyes grew wider and wider with each word and he groaned.

"No wonder he called me out of the blue like that, he never bothers to otherwise."

He gave me a remorseful look. "I'm really sorry, Seb. I didn't know how much of a piece of shit he was the day you had come over, I don't really talk to him anymore. I can't believe he tried to screw with you two like that."

I patted his shoulder. "Hey, you did nothing wrong. And screw Ben."

He nodded enthusiastically. "Screw Ben!"

There was definitely a lot more going on with Ben and Finn than he had let on. There had to be some reason Ben was so determined to make Finn miserable.

I figured I'd ask him about it later. For now, I had a very nice game to go watch.

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