3. Strawberry Muffins

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I stared at my front door. Locked. Not a key in sight. How unfortunate.

My mom had gone over to the next city for something I don't remember, and wouldn't be home for a couple of hours. Nice. My front lawn didn't seem comfy enough to spend 4 hours in.

I could go for a walk and maybe get a bite to eat. I checked how much cash I had left. Wow. I had a grand total of 10 cents. I sighed and sat down on the doorstep. I texted my trusty friend group chat about my misery, and they sent skull emojis. How useful.

It had been about ten minutes of me scrolling through my Instagram before I heard a motorcycle noise. I looked up to see Finn pass by on his bike. Wow, that was new.

I sat there for another 15 minutes before I heard a voice. I looked up to see Finn on the other side of the fence.

"Why are you out here?"

I was genuinely quite surprised he started a conversation. I didn't want to ruin it though, no matter how much of an ass he was. So I just sighed.

"Locked out. No one's home."

He stood there awkwardly for a few moments before asking, "You could come here if you want to?"

I stared at him in shock, before I quickly recovered and nodded, grabbing my stuff and walking over to his house. We went in, and sat down on his couch. The awkward silence that ensued made me wonder why I thought this was a good idea.

"My mom made some muffins earlier."

This was probably the most I had heard him speak so far. I really did not know what to do. Even though I was somewhat of a shy person, I was very extroverted around someone who was even more shy than me. But with Cactus, I really didn't know when he would get mad.

I replied to his words. "Oh, that's nice."

Another awkward silence.

"Do you want some?"

I like muffins. Who doesn't like muffins?


He went into the kitchen and returned with three muffins on a little plate. They looked really cute, in a soft pink shade.

I took one and bit into it. It was strawberry, and it was absolutely delicious. His mom was an amazing baker.

I spoke up with my mouth still half full.

"Oh my god, this is so good."

I licked my lips and realized I ate the whole thing in about two seconds. He noticed and pointed to the plate. "They're for you."

I had no hesitation in grabbing another one. Usually I only take one, guest etiquette, ya know. Not nice to eat up all of someone's muffins. But in this case, they were just too good to pass up.

"These are delicious. Tell your mom I think she is amazing for making these. I don't even like, like strawberry flavored stuff particularly, unless it's yogurt. Strawberry yogurt is great. Anyway, did I mention these are amazing?"

It seemed like the muffins got me past my invisible social wall.


Still a man of few words, but oh well.

I ate the third one as well. After a few more beats of silence, I rummaged through my bag and took out a notebook.

1. Finn rides a motorcycle.

2. His mother bakes the best cupcakes.

That was about all I came up with.

And that's when I remembered. Didn't Finn say he couldn't work on the project because he was 'busy'?

I gave him a sideways glance. He turned to return my stare. "What?"

"Weren't you supposed to be busy?"

He shrugged, and went back on his phone. Oh well, I guess talkative Finn disappeared just as fast as he came.

I'd just have to find stuff out about him myself. This dude made a five minute assignment into a real struggle.

I kept mindlessly scrolling through my phone, and I got a notification. It said that ryanxx13 sent me a follow request. I clicked on the profile, and the first thing I saw was a picture of tall nice hair Ryan with a giant fish. I let out a little chuckle. Finn turned my way for a second before going back to whatever he was doing.

Not even a minute after I accepted his request I got a text from him.

ryanxx13: Hey

sebassian24: Hey Ryan

ryanxx13: I lowkey hate and love Roberts at the same time

ryanxx13: The madwoman paired me up with the most talkative girl possible ever oh lord

ryanxx13: She's rlly nice but I can't get a word in

sebassian24: lmaooo I think Roberts is doing this kinda shit on purpose

I was kind of surprised, but happy, that Ryan jumped right into conversation even though I barely knew him.

My phone rang and I quickly picked up. It was my mom.

"Hey Seb, I got home earlier than I thought, so the door's open now."

I told her I'd be right there and hung up. I turned to Finn with a smile.

"Thanks a lot, for letting me come here and for the muffins. I'll be going now."

He gave me a curt nod as a reply and I took my things and left, still dreaming about those muffins. My mom, of course, was more than happy I was starting to 'get along' with the neighbor boy.

After my dinner and shower, I lounged on my bed wasting time. The upstairs bedroom of the neighbor's house had a giant window directly facing mine. The previous neighbors never really used it, so I'd never bothered about it until now.

The blinds were drawn, so it's not like I could see anything anyway.

I got out my laptop and opened spotify. I found the new blend feature and it looed pretty darn interesting. I copied the link and was about to send it to my gc, but then decided to just post it on my story instead. The more the merrier. I quickly set all my playlists to private before that, the last thing I needed was people finding my playlists. They had the weirdest names. My personal favorite was the twerkanator. For the most twerkable songs.

I posted the link and laid my head down on my pillow, earphones in, twerkanator playing. Life's good.

Finn (bxb)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara