41 | stop extorting him

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S2 E11

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S2 E11

owner of a lonely heart

MADDISON WALKS INTO THE NICU where the quints were and the interns were sitting. Just as she walks in Alex walks out.

"He's unbelievable!" Izzie rants. "I am so glad I never slept with him which is his loss because I'm really good in bed. Mind blowing. Mind blowingly good in bed."

"Are you trying to seduce us?" Cristina asks her.

"Am I interrupting a group thing about to happen?" Maddison chuckles, putting the charts down.

"And then he sleeps with Olivia instead of me. Olivia." Izzie continues.

"Hey, I slept with Olivia." George defends.

"Yeah, well, then you both have bad taste." Izzie tells him.

"You know, you can't say that you weren't warned. Alex has always been Alex." George tells her.

"You dodged a bullet, Iz, you're better off without him." Meredith says.

"Why are you even surprised? Sleep with a snake, you get bit." Cristina adds.

They look at Maddison.

"What? I'm not going to say anything." The girl tells them. "That would indicate I actually care."

"Thanks, guys. For the support." Izzie tells them, sarcastically, as Bailey enters.

"Who's on call tonight?" Bailey asks.

"I am." Izzie answers.

"All right, the rest of you go home. Sleep. All 5 quints are still alive. It's a good day." Bailey tells them.

"CAUSE YOU LIVE IN a glorified camper!" Addison complains, as her and Derek walk out of the elevator.

"Do you guys ever not make me regret I know you?" Maddison asks, walking out of the elevator behind them, none of the three noticing Meredith and George watching them.

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