Chapter 4

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"Hyuuuuuuung let's go outside and play" Jungkook said as he pulled on Taehyung's arm to drag him of the couch. It was late in the evening and while the rest was exhausted, the youngest however was still beaming with endless energy and maybe it had something to do with Taehyung feeding him almost a whole bag of candies.

"No Kook, it's half past eleven. We're not going outside right now" the young alpha said, but he got nervous when he could see the glances of the older members directed at him from the corner of his eyes.

"And..." Namjoon said, reminding Taehyung that he wasn't finished yet.

"And" the second youngest cleared his throat and he continued when Jungkook tugged at his arm again "And you need to listen to hyungs. It's time to go to bed. Jimin is already sleeping and you should too"

"No I don't need to go to bed, because I'm not tired"

"Yes you need to go to bed, because it's late"

"Why aren't you going to bed then?" the pup didn't stop and continued to pull on Taehyung's arm, who was visibly having a inner struggle. A part of him was still a pup and desperately wanted to play as well, but he didn't want to disappointed the older ones. He wanted to prove to them that he was grown-up now and that they could trust him with the responsibilities that came along with it.

"Because it's not my bed time and-"

"Then it's also not my bed time"

"Yes it is Jungkook-"

"No! Now-" the youngest tugged at Taehyung's arm with each word "come - with- me!"

"No listen to hyung Kook..." the young alpha said not confident at all and looked at his hyungs for help. But what he didn't expect, or honestly maybe a little bit, that they remained seated on the couch and gave him a meaningful look that told him enough.

'You started this, so you fix it' Seokjin's voice was still fresh on his mind when the oldest member had found out that he had fed Jungkook an unhealthy amount of sweets. The two youngest were so caught up in a game of catching candy with their mouths, that Taehyung lost count and since Jungkook was too good at the game, he ended up eating almost all of them. So that's how the pup got his sugar rush when it was actually long past his bed time.

Seokjin had already nipped Taehyung for being so reckless, but he wasn't the only one to blame. Jungkook was just as guilty, but instead of nipping him as well, the oldest alpha had decided that Taehyung could show what he had learned in the morning. But it had been more than an hour ago when Seokjin had scolded Taehyung, and the young alpha still hadn't found the courage to punish Jungkook yet, and the older ones were determined to stay awake until he had finally done it.

"Tae..." Yoongi warned. The omega was visibly getting impatient as time ticked by and he was ready to nip Taehyung for the second time just because he was stalling.

"Tae come on. Don't be so boring!" Jungkook whined, but when he decided to tug at Taehyung's legs, the young alpha suddenly snapped and tackled the pup to the ground.

"No is NO Jungkook!" Taehyung growled before he pinned the younger one down by holding his arms next to his head and straddling his legs with his weight. And within a blink of an eye he lowered his head and bit down on Jungkook's neck. The pup screamed and trashed underneath the alpha, but not for long since his body reacted to the nip and went pliant as Taehyung kept his teeth locked in place.

After a couple of seconds and making sure that Jungkook had indeed calmed down enough, the alpha released the skin and panted as he looked down at the pup. The two stared at each other for a moment, both shocked at what just happened, before the younger one's bottom lip started to tremble.

"Oh no no don't cry. I'm so sorry!" Taehyung started to panic seeing Jungkook's reaction and his eyes were filling with tears as well. And as soon as the pup started to cry, so did he.

"Shush you did well Tae" Seokjin knelt down next to the two youngest and pulled the upset alpha in his arms, while Hoseok did the same with the pup when the two got separated.

"Hy-ung I h-hurt him!" Taehyung sobbed in the older one's chest.

"No you didn't. Kook just got a little bit startled. He didn't expect your to nip him. That's all. You did nothing wrong Tae"

The second youngest hiccuped as his cries died down, and hearing Seokjin's reassuring words made him look at Jungkook to check if he was telling the truth. The pup was being smothered from both sides where Hoseok and Namjoon were trying to comfort him, but he could see the fresh bruise on the boy's neck. And Taehyung breathed with relief when it was indeed a bruise and not a real bite.

"I'm proud of you Tae. I know the first time is scary, but you did really well" suddenly Yoongi's voice was heard from behind him and a second later a warm hand was going through his hair. Taehyung unconsciously leaned into the touch and felt himself slowly calm down after his emotional breakdown. And then exhaustion came running back at him after an eventful day. In the morning he had learned how to nip, the rest of the day had been filled with dance practices and some other meetings, and the day ended up with something he thought he never had to do. But here he was, nipping Jungkook on the same day he had learned how to do it. Looking back he should have known better. Of course he was going to nip the pup on regularly basis. Although he still hold the title with the most amount of nips, Jungkook was a close second. And he should have known that his hyungs would use it so he could practice his new skill to become a proper alpha. Ahh he just wished he could present back to a pup again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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