Chapter 3

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"Do I really need to learn it? I will probably never need to nip him"

"Yes Tae, you need to learn it. I hope you never need to use it, because that means that our pup is very well behaved, but you and I both know that's not the truth" Seokjin said, causing the remaining part of the hyung line to chuckle.

"Especially when the three of you are together. Partners in crime, or even better: pups in crime" Hoseok added

"But then you will nip us. So why waste our time and try to teach me something I will never do?" Taehyung tried one last time, but when the four older members shook their heads, he knew he didn't have another choice.

"Because you're a hyung to an unpresented pup. Now stop whining and pay attention" Yoongi said with a little bit of dominance to effectively silence their youngest alpha.

"Come sit with me with Tae" Namjoon opened his inviting arms so Taehyung could sit on his lap. The boy was radiating with nerves and didn't dare to look at any of them. "Hey why so tense?" the leader asked worried

"I don't want to do this, hyung" Taehyung whispered while his cheeks were turning red out of embarrassment. Shocked by his response, Namjoon tightened his grip around him and Seokjin knelt in front of them.

"Why?" the oldest pack member asked and ran his fingers through the young alpha's hair.

"I will hurt him"

"Oh Tae... It won't hurt him. Well a little bit, but you won't like hurt-hurt him. Just enough so he knows that he did something wrong" Seokjin explained gently "Did we ever hurt you?"

"No never hyung!" Taehyung said instantly and he needed another second to realize that it was the answer to his own question. Out of the pack, he was the one to be nipped the most as he was the naughty one and a magnet for troubles. So there was nobody else who could judge better if nipping actually hurt someone. And he was telling the truth: his hyungs had never hurt him. Yes, it stung a little bit for a few moments, but that's it.

"Good pup" Seokjin praised him "Don't be scared, we will teach you how to do it and you can try on us first if you would like that"

"Really?" the youngest alpha asked with big eyes

"Yes of course. How about we show you how to bite first, then you can practice on us before we get Kookie, okay?" Hoseok proposed and after a moment of thinking Taehyung nodded.

"Okay let's start with the basics. I don't think we need to remind you were you should bite, judging the bruise on your neck" Namjoon started. His thumb went over a small bruise on Taehyung's neck from a nip he received the night before. The young alpha shuttered slightly at the contact, but nodded anyways. "Good, and what does hyung do with his teeth when he nips you?"

"He uhhh..." Taehyung answered nervously. He knew exactly what to do, because he got nipped almost every day since he joined the pack because of his reckless and playful character, but still, he couldn't stop being nervous about it. "He only uses a few teeth to give a small bite"

"Yes very good Tae. And how hard does he bite?" the leader alpha asked while rubbed the younger one's back to encourage him.

"Hard enough to leave a bruise, but he never breaks the skin"

"Exactly. You shouldn't break the skin. Keep that in mind and you'll be fine" Namjoon said and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

"You're a quick learner Tae. Seokjin almost made me a Powerpoint presentation to teach me where to bite and with how many teeth" Hoseok said proudly and kissed the back of Taehyung's head as well.

"Because you barely got nipped Hobi" the oldest chuckled, but then turned serious again. "With who do you want to practice first, Tae?"

One simple question made Taehyung's body tense up immediately, but when he looked at the calm faces of the older ones he relaxed a little bit. If they weren't freaking out about being nipped by an inexperienced alpha, then he shouldn't be either. "Alpha?" he asked carefully and looked at Namjoon's face to see his reaction. The leader immediately showed his dimple smile and manhandled Taehyung so the younger one was straddling him.

"Go on" he said simply, not wanting to make it a bigger deal than it was. Taehyung turned his head around to look at the others, but when he received some reassuring nods, he focused back on Namjoon and especially on the bared neck in front of him.

The young alpha's eyes went to the spot where he could feel his own bruise, but he still wanted to check if it was indeed the right spot. So his long and slender fingers gently prodded the soft skin of his alpha where the scent gland was located and then he took a deep breath as lowered his head. When his mouth was hovering over the spot where neck and shoulder met, he bared his teeth and graced the skin slightly with his dents. But then he suddenly got nervous again, retreated his teeth and decided to 'nip' with only his lips.

"Tae use you teeth" Yoongi reminded him, his voice firm to let the young alpha know that he wasn't joking.

"Come on Tae, listen to hyung" Hoseok added while squeezing Taehyung's neck

The young alpha whined frustrated but then he did what he was told and finally used his teeth to bite down on the skin in his mouth. Namjoon couldn't stop the giggle that escaped his mouth, making Taehyung to stop immediately and pull back. "Did I hurt you?" he asked scared

"No, not at all. It tickled" Namjoon smiled and ran his fingers through the younger one's hair to calm him down. Taehyung visibly relaxed and slumped with relief. but his relief was of short notice when Seokjin cleared his throat.

"Taehyung, you know that wasn't a nip. You need to bite harder and keep it for at least 5 seconds"

"I'm sorry" the youngest apologized and decided to use a different tactic when he showed his biggest puppy eyes "But it was the right spot and I promise I will bite harder and longer when I need to nip someone. Are we done now?" Taehyung flashed his eyes adorably at the older ones, trying to get a free pass from his training, but the hyung line wasn't so easily fooled and shook their heads simultaneously.

"We're done when you showed us how to nip properly" Yoongi said

"Not fair" the young alpha pouted, causing the others to smile softly at him. "Let's get this over with, Tae. Afterwards we will get in the nest and give you cuddles, okay? You can practice on Kook another day" Hoseok tried to cheer him up

"Okay" Taehyung muttered and let Hoseok pull him on his lap.

"You're spoiling him too much Hobi" Yoongi chuckled as his shook his head

"Remember what hyung told you and this will be over before you know it" the sunshine alpha said as he deliberately ignored the comment and bared his neck like Namjoon had done. Taehyung sighed reluctantly but then lowered his head again and took a deep breath before he bite down.

"A little bit harder Tae" Hoseok whispered and winced slightly when the younger one did what he was told.

"Is he doing it right?" Namjoon asked while he patted Taehyung's head when the young one held Hoseok's skin in his teeth.

"Yes he's doing so well" Hoseok answered, resulting in a happy content growl from the young alpha's from his neck. And after 5 seconds Taehyung pulled back and beamed with the attention he got from the older ones. They where showering him with kisses and praises how pretty the bruise on Hoseok's neck looked, and it made Taehyung almost forget that he hated it in the first place.

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