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(CY)-- Are you dumb? We can only open one individual chat and you had to add someone else?!

(YJ)-- Don't be angry noona! He is a big figure! He won't be in our channel all of the time.

Jimin saw that they were in voice chat. So he also joined.

(JM)-- Hi.

(YJ)-- Did you change your initial?

(JM)-- Yes. I changed it from DM to JM.

(CY)-- I am going. I have to study.'

(YJ)-- What study? You already know everything! Get your ass back here!

(CY)-- Choi Fucking Yeonjun! I won't tolerate you cursing at me!

(YJ)-- I am sorry! Hu hu! You can go! Study or sleep goodbye!

Jimin frowned.

(JM)-- Your name is Yeonjun?

(YJ)-- Ahh, It's my fake name.

Jimin frowned more. Y/N knew his brother. So why did she use his fake name? Is it because he(Jimin) was here? Or is Hyunjin using a fake name to play with Y/N? Does she not know who he really is?

And that's how both Park brothers exited the game.








These days Y/N emerged herself into study. Today she took the exam.

Jimin knew it. He has been keeping track of her. His brother came to meet Y/N.

Jimin reluctantly went with Hyunjin because both of them were going to the office together.

On their way, they saw Y/N, Yoongi, and their parents.

Hyunjin was excited as he pulled over the car.

Jimin and Hyunjin walked toward the Min family.

'Hello, uncle. Hello Aunt.' Hyunjin greeted.

These days Hyunjin seems a little bit warmer and nicer than before. Jimin was confused.

'Hello, Mr. Min-'

'Call us uncle and aunt like your brother Jimin-ah.'


'How was your exam?' Hyunjin asked.

'Better than the last time.' Y/N rolled her eyes.

'Y/N, hyung is older than you. Speak politely.' Yoongi frowned.

Y/N narrowed her eyes and saw Yeonjun's proud and teasing face.

She cursed internally and politely said.

'I did my best.'

Yeonjun nodded.

'Sir, I think we should go back to the office.'

Yeonjun then noticed that the female protagonist, Jiwoo was there too.

'Oh yeah. We will leave now then appa. Y/N rest now. You have worked hard.'

Y/N nodded.

'Did you come back directly from your company?' Jimin asked.

'We were going for a meeting but pulled over to see my sister.'

Villainless Villain| Park Jimin FF|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora