Chapter Otto

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Adrian (Father)

I watch as my bambina puts her AirPods in blocking all of us out. I'm still disappointed about what she did with her sister and how she ran away but I hope she learned her lesson and is ready to be kind and good to her sister.

I missed her, she is so grown up now it wasn't meant to be this long but a few weeks after the accident Amelia told me that they need to hold her for longer to help further her behaviour management as she was still misbehaving

So I let her stay for a few more weeks but a few weeks turned into a few months which then turned into a few years as her behaviour got worse and I didn't want her to harm anyone of her siblings again. I received a call 2 years ago that she had run away.

I used every resource to find her but I couldn't but now I have her. She isn't running away again and she is going to learn to be respectful of everyone and to respect her sister. I always had a feeling that one of them would be selfish and not want to share attention with the other but I wished it wasn't true but Alissa showed her colours.

Alissa and I were always close as she was basically the female version of me while Mia was Amelia's twin. Though the boys all loved them equally they mostly gravitated towards Alissa . I never understood what made Alissa do it. Amelia went missing a few years ago and when we found her she was dead.

After losing her things were different though Mia wasn't as sad as I thought she would have been. Alissa was told of her mother's passing but didn't come to the funeral for whatever reason but it was probably for the best incase she did something to harm her sister again.

Alissa stares out the window, the whole ride being silent. The boys have a conversation in Italian about a stock coming in tomorrow though throughout the conversation I notice them take little looks at Alissa, probably to make sure she doesn't do anything.

As we reach the gate to the house I look to see if she has any recognition or reaction to her childhood home but her face is blank of emotion which I find weird as this is and was her home.

I look away as the car comes to a stop and all get out. The boys wait on either side in case she runs. she gets out and gives a dirty look to Alessandro but he just brushes it off and closes the door behind her.

We all make our way to the door forming some type of diamond around Alissa with her in the middle Alessandro and Emilio on her left and right, Lorenzo behind her and me in the front. I open the door, step into the foyer and swiftly turn around to face Alissa.

"It is 8pm now.." she rolls her eyes and my look darkens " Dinner is at 8:30 and you are not to be late, I trust you remember where your room is so you can head up there and unpack the bag the boys brought of your stuff and your motorbikes and cars will be here tomorrow. you are dismissed"

She swiftly spins on her heel and takes the bag off of Emilio before walking towards the stairs and going up. The boys and I head off to our offices to finish our work for the evening before dinner.

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