Chapter Uno

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The eyes above are Alissa eyes and she is the only one in her family to have them.



"I didn't do it. please believe me I wasn't even here, I didn't do it please don't send me away I promise. I promise."

I pleaded with my father to believe me but it was no use he saw the proof, he saw everything he need to see before sending me away. it was no use, he made up his mind and I only looked pathetic.

"pack your things, you are out of my house until you can learn to behave."

with that I ran upstairs as I knew saying anything else will anger him more and I didn't need that right now I walked past my brothers who looked at me with disgust, angry and hatred in their eyes. I knew it didn't matter what I said no one would believe me with mum backing her up.

I didn't cry, I had to be strong, I as meant to be strong. I quickly pack a few pieces of clothing that  was it. I knew exactly where he was going to send me. 'The boarding school'. the place where people send the children they want fixed or don't want back.

I kept my head down as I made my way out the doors not bothering to say goodbye to anyone there. they all despise me now. I never looked back.

Flashback Over

I sat in the corner of the room with my knees tucked into my chest. A nightmare, no a memory. I haven't had one like thing in months why now? I slowly drifted back to sleep only to be awoken by another one. It likes I'm reliving it all over again.


I was pulled out from the group and put in a room of confinement. I waited and waited until a man came in. He look old around my parents age. I don't even know if I should call them my parents anymore. The man walked in with lust in his eyes. I didn't know why.

" You are so beautiful" he was caressing my cheek a little too close for my liking. I turned my head to create some space but he grabbed my chin forcing me to look in his eyes he disgusting breath on my face.

"you will do nicely. I will make you my Queen." I was disgusted. I tried to get my face out of his grip but it only grew tighter. " you are disgusting, I am 8 years old and you are triple my age!" I knew I should have kept my mouth shut because the next thing I know I'm on the floor with a loud thud and he now has a hold of my hair "looks like I hit a nerve" 

I really shouldn't have said that. He starts dragging me by my hair with slaps to my face. "you will learn how to be the perfect wife, that's starts with being obedient and no back talking! Every time you disobey me you will go 3 days without food and only 2 sips of water. am I clear?" 

I want to tell him to fuck off but thought against it as it would only anger him more. I nod my head hoping he would leave. " good baby, I will be back soon" he says with a sadistic smile.

Flashback Over

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