Chapter Seven

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Taylor smiled as she spent time with her mothers family, during that time she learned so much about her mother and she was grateful that she finally found the rest of her family, especially the ones who knew her mother. Yes her father would talk about her but he didn't know her like they did. 

It all came to end when her uncle texted her that Elena was gone and that her father wanted to talk to her. Klaus noticed her demeanor changed once she checked her phone. "What's wrong love?" Klaus asked his granddaughter bringing all the attention to her. She sighed "um, my father wants to talk and I promised Uncle Damon that I would but" Taylor said but paused making them all look at her sadly.

(Esther and Finn were not with them, they were in her room) 

"But you think it will turn into an argument" Elijah said making her nod "You never know darling, maybe it will turn out completely different than you think it will" Kol said knowing that she wanted to mend things with her father. She nodded agreeing with her uncle and left to the boarding house.

"Do you really think it will turn out differently than she thinks?" Rebekah asked her older brothers making them sigh "I have no idea but as much as I don't want her with those Salvatores, they are still her family" Klaus said making his three siblings nod understanding.

-Salvatore Boarding House-

Stefan bounced his knee nervously waiting for his daughter to arrive and was starting to think she wasn't going to come. "Would you stop that?" Damon demanded getting annoyed making Stefan roll his eyes but before he could reply there was a knock on the door.

They both stood and went to the door opening it "You don't need to knock, this is still your home" Stefan said once the door was open. She sighed "Just felt it would be right to knock" Taylor said shrugging her shoulders, Damon gestured for her to walk inside and they all sat down.

Damon and Stefan were on one couch while Taylor sat across from them on the other couch. "Taylor I just want to say, I am so sorry for everything, I never meant to choose Elena over you, I never meant to hurt you, I love you Taylor, you are my daughter and what I did was wrong, you should always come first and I am so sorry that I didn't put you first, I am going to make this right and be there for you always" Stefan said before she could open her mouth.

She looked at him shocked, Kol was right this was going in the complete opposite of what she thought it was going to be. "Dad, It's okay" Taylor tried to say but Stefan cut her off "No, it is never okay, I am your father and I chose someone else over you, especially someone who could never compare to you in my life, you are my daughter and you are the only one, I can always find someone else but I can't get another you, please forgive me" Stefan begged, he couldn't lose his daughter.

After Elena brought up Arabella, he finally understood that all he needed and wanted was his daughter, she was also all he had left of Arabella, he already lost her and she was the love of his life way more than Katherine or Elena were, he wasn't going to lose his daughter again. The years without her were terrible, even without humanity he still felt lost without her. 

Taylor smiled at him and rushed over to him hugging him tightly making him grab onto her, he didn't want to let go ever. "I forgive you, dad" Taylor said making Stefan smile widely.

Damon smiled at the duo next to him, he was happy that his brother got his daughter back and that his niece got her father back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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