Chapter 6

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Please ignore my mistakes

"Who are you! Get your fucking hand away from my best friend" Jimin yells, Not caring about the rain nor his drenched cloth that stick to his body. He runs into the rain to save his best friend from the stranger hugging him in the rain.

His raised hand ready to hit the alpha halts in mid-air, looking at how protectively he hugs Taehyung and shade Taehyung from the rain.

He realised the alpha is probably Taehyung's mate and he pulls down his hand.

He took a step closer to Taehyung and a warning growl comes from the alpha, threatening him not to come take a step closer to his mate.

Jimin raises his hand up surrendering himself and trying to explain he meant no harm to Taehyung. His alpha and protective mode is activated and he is not going to let anyone near his mate, Jimin understood this and tried explaining in a soft tone.

"Hey I know he is your mate but look at how pale he is, He is going to fall sick" He said and motion to Taehyung's pale face.

"Trust me I want your mate to get better, You are going to lose your mate if you don't take him to a hospital right now" Jimin nearly raised his voice at the alpha who won't listen to reason and sat there getting drenched in the rain.

He doesn't give two fuck if the alpha stays in the rain, not like he is going to get sick or something. He is worried about Taehyung and how pale he is getting.

"Stupid alpha" Jimin curses but not loud enough for the alpha to hear.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung's face and realised  Jimin is saying the truth. His wolf panicked and he swiftly get up with Taehyung in his arms.

Carrying him in princess style and hurriedly walk away, practically running in hurried steps and ignoring jimin's cry behind him.

He snorts and continue ignoring Jimin, he thought if Jimin wasn't pregnant and if his mate didn't need urgent medical help, He would have used his alpha voice to scare off jimin.

Him being a pack leader should know the consequences of using his voice on omegas.
It is a crime punishable by law to use your voice on omegas especially pregnant omegas.

His brain lost all reason right now and his top utmost priority is to get his mate somewhere safe.

He glance down at the petite figure of his mate, his mate fitting perfectly in his embrace, his blue lip and delicate face pressed against his chest. Finally his mate is near him, besides him and he is not going to let anything happen to his mate.

Nothing will happen to his mate

"He looks lean and small, doesn't he know how to take care of himself" He couldn't help but lament about how small his mate is.

He made a promise to himself to take good care of his mate and never let anything happen to him.

"Hang on a little more, we are almost at the hospital"

"Get me a doctor!!!" He roared immediately he walks into the hospital building, running past confused nurses who stood watching him and yelled at them to get him a doctor while he run towards the elevator.

The elevator dings and he dash out, running towards the emergency room. The light were on indicating someone else was being operated on in there.

A doctor noticed him and requested for a stretcher and medial help. They places Taehyung on the stretcher and pull him away to another room.

Jungkook was stop at the door and not allowed  into the room, His wolf boiled at the thought of being separated from his mate for a second and took control over Jungkook.

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