Chapter Thirty-Six: Embracing for an Eternity

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A chilling shriek roused me from my stupor. It was Raelia, screaming her lungs out as Duke Zenos brutalized Uken's face.

I have to stop him!

Adrenaline coursed through me, "My duke, Duke Zenos!" I bolted towards the bloody scene unfolding in front of me.

However, Duke Zenos showed no signs of stopping, his movements unbridled and his jabs unforgiving.

No...he won't stop like this...

I fell to my knees, on his eye level, cupping his face forcefully with my hands.

"Duke Zenos!" Thud "Zenos!" Thud "Zen!" Pause.

A deafening silence. The onslaught ceased and Duke Zenos gradually looked up to meet my amber eyes. His erratic breathing calmed.

This is my chance!

I rose to my feet abruptly and started to tug on Duke Zenos's sleeve. He obediently stood up.

I nervously chuckled, " doubt that you two are old friends. Friendly fights like these happen all the time."

Raelia was absolutely petrified, glued to her spot. Uken's bruised appearance was a grim sight. He could barely speak, his vocal cords trying to form slurs and failing.

"We will offer our apologies at a later date..." I continued, without giving them a chance to react.

And then we ran. Speeding down the numerous corridors, the main gate and into my carriage. Duke Zenos let me guide him pliantly, his expression unreadable.

I ordered the carriage to head to his estate, his own one following behind mine.

We sat across from one another, his head hung low. I winced slightly at the sight of his blue-black knuckles.

"Duke Zenos...," no answer.

Something isn't right. He is lost in his own world.

I stepped over to fill the space beside him. No response again.

However, I had a better view of him now. Although his face was blank, it couldn't conceal the storm within his heart.

I know because I have been in that position more times than I can count.

A big lump settled in my throat and I swallowed past it. Then I did something that was completely unlike the usual me.

I enveloped him in an embrace, my arms barely wrapping around the expanse of his broad shoulders. It was nothing short of awkward.

What was I thinking? What if he hates it?

As soon as I tried to move away, I felt his frame shift. The tender warmth of his arms found my waist, folding around it. Holding me closer, his head rested on the nook of my neck. He breathed in my scent, the tension in him clearly diminishing. We stayed like that, seconds turning into minutes. Neither of us said a single word but the moment itself seemed to speak volumes.

A soft knock from outside informed us of our arrival at the Xavier Estate. Duke Zenos slowly backed away.

Was that hesitation I sensed just now in Duke Zenos?

Duke Zenos's complexion was much better and he gave me a soft smile.

I returned it, "We can talk about today later. You should go inside and get some rest."

"But.." Duke Zenos said as I cut him off.

"No buts. We will have plenty of time later to discuss."

Although apologetic, there was a hint of gratefulness in his voice, "Thank you."

I nodded reassuringly, "May the Spirits bless you."

Flashing me one last smile, he stepped out of the carriage and disappeared into the distance.

Eventually, I reached the Rosario estate to find Mariah waiting for me.

"Miss, how did it all go?" she asked, curiously.

"It was a big mess," I sighed.

It took me a while to fill Mariah in with all the gory details of the day.

By the end, Mariah was a sight to behold. Eyes wide and mouth agape, she replied, "So Master Uken possibly killed his own father, the Duke...and then Duke Zenos went on a rampage...that's just...absurd."

"Tell me about it. It was nothing short of a fever dream," I shook my head, exhausted.

Mariah gave me a pat of consolation, "I know that you have had a difficult day today but..."

I threw Mariah a look full of suspicion, "What is it? Whenever you have something to say at the end of a chapter, it's never good news."

Her giggles helped ease my nerves, "You have received a letter regarding your title succession ceremony."

She handed me a letter with the Royal seal, a lion roaring beneath the shining sun. I opened it carefully.

This is a formal letter regarding the succession of titles. It is addressed to the following people, Young Lord Uken Ren Valerio and Lady Eliza Arielle Rosario. You are both expected to be present at the Royal Palace in a week's time. You shall receive your titles with the Sun of the Empire, His Majesty Ralph Surek Cicero and the Moon of the Empire, Raven Surek Cicero in witness.


The Royal Council.

I rolled my eyes; the problems just keep on coming one after the other I swear.

Yeah Eli somehow broke the fourth wall today ~

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