Chapter Thirty-Four: Coincidence? Or not?

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Duke Orion...he also died before I had travelled back in time. Due to a heart attack, or at least that's what the news had reported and what Uken had told me back then. I remember it vividly as he departed this world right after my father. Even after my regression, they passed away at the same time. The bond between these two is truly mysterious.

Such thoughts swirled through my mind as my carriage neared the Valerio Estate. I had decided to make an unannounced trip to catch Uken off guard. Things seemed to be sailing smoothly until our carriage was intercepted by the guards right in front of the massive entrance.

Sir Aaron stepped out to see what they wanted and returned with displeasure painted all over his face, "Miss, they said that nobody can enter without an invitation from the Duke himself."

The Duke? Are they calling Uken the Duke already? But why? He can't receive the title until the emperor bestows it upon him. The same can be said for me and my title as the Marchioness. Although the ceremony was for formality, he couldn't just forgo it entirely. It is as if he is already asserting his new power. It somehow leaves a bad taste in my mouth...

Before I could respond, my ears picked up the sound of horses, galloping. The 'clip-clop' became louder by the second until another carriage appeared behind mine.

Symbol of a golden rose? Duke Zenos?? What is he doing here?

The exact image of regal, Duke Zenos appeared and motioned for the guards to come closer. With just a few words from him, their faces turned a few shades paler. Soon the 'clang' of the steel gate opening filled the air. However, all my attention was on the man in front of me now.

He held my hand, helping me climb out of the carriage, "Why are you here? What did you say that made them so terrified? Why are they letting us enter??"

He chuckled ever so slightly, holding me close to him , his grasp firm on my waist, "Well well, as much as I love to hear you speak, I'd appreciate one question at a time Eli."

I felt my cheeks tint a light shade of pink as he continued, "I am here because of the news of Duke Orion's untimely departure. Believe it or not...that trash- i mean Uken and I were friends once upon a time. Naturally, I was acquainted with the Duke too. I owe him a visit."

Of course, I believe it. After all, I had initially approached you because you had a fallout with Uken regarding a woman.

A heavy feeling found its way to my heart at the reminder of the Countess, a woman Duke Zenos may have been in love with. I shook my head to regain my composure.

"As for what I said to those guards, something along the lines of not wanting to offend a Duke and the member of the Royal Family? My position comes with its perks."

I smiled, "I see. I am glad that we ran into each other like this."

A mischievous smirk, bewitching enough to sweep me off my feet, played around his lips as he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I may or may not have planned that. It could, of course, be fate too."

The red on my cheeks had spread to my neck. I stood there, one hand on my ear which still sensed his soft voice against it.

Duke Zenos couldn't possibly look any more pleased with himself as he spoke, "Shall we head inside before my threats lose their effect?"

He is clearly enjoying himself whereas i feel like my heart will give out at any moment...

We strode into the mansion, our arms linked together. Having his warmth beside me was more comforting than I had expected. The butterflies in my stomach died shortly as we heard approaching footsteps.

Duke Zenos and I quickly exchanged glances and hid behind a pillar.

It seemed to be a conversation between two woman, maids to be precise.

"A healthy man like our Lord had a heart attack? And he passed away while having tea with Master Uken? It's so dodgy, all of it. It's no secret in the estate that the two had a very strained father-son relationship. You don't think...Master Uken could have-"

Before she could finish her theory, she was interrupted by the other maid, "Shush! You can't possibly utter such nonsense! What if you get caught? Also, we were ordered by Mast- i mean the Duke to refer to him as the Duke from now onwards. You'd do good to remember that."

The rest of their talk was about work. Duke Zenos and I swiftly slipped away into a nearby corridor.

As soon as we were out of anyone's line of sight, I muttered quietly, " you think he killed the Duke?"

I was expecting a reply but my gaze travelled to Duke Zenos, only to find him lost deep in thought. His eyebrows furrowed and his body visibly tensed up.

The palm of my hand gently rubbed against his arm, up and down, as if to soothe him out of his trance, "Are you okay, My Duke?"

I seemed to have finally reached him. His shoulders relaxed, "Ah yes. I am fine. I was just... Well, Uken and his father were never in good terms. I wouldn't put it past him to murder him."

Duke Zenos...there is something he is hiding. He knows more than he is letting on. But it's fine. We all have a few secrets of our own.

I opened my mouth to reply but before words could take form, someone walked in on us.

"Sister, what are you doing here?" A voice I'd even recognise in my nightmares echoed down the corridor.

I grinned like a maniac, unable to contain my exhilaration.

Ah, how I missed your vile existence .

I turned to face a surprised Raelia, "Of course, I am here to see my dear sister."

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