A notice

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Hello everyone. It has been a long time since I have updated my book. I do know the running joke of how writers abandon their books and then show up after a decade to say that they were in an accident and lost their entire family and are now in a mental hospital but it's all chill. My reasons weren't as dramatic as that I suppose. I did lose my grandmother this year and also gave my A levels. Dealt with a lot of toxic people too. I am thankfully in a better place now. Regardless, that is not what I wanted to talk about. I started this book during quarantine and it is very precious to me. I also have the entire plot in my mind so I am planning on finishing this book. A lot of people were very patient with me and I would completely understand if they were no longer interested in this story. However, I would be very grateful if you stick around to see me put out my best work. Also, I am entering university now which is insane cause I started this when i was in highschool. Thank you as always for the support and patience.  By the end, we will all get to see Eli exact the revenge she has always wanted hopefully. 

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