Chapter 76

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In the restaurant (continued)

.......Yoongi in his mind, "Cafe my foot. Such a liar he is. Is he hiding the truth just not to hurt Jungkook or he is upto something more? What he wants?"

Just then Jin spoke, "Yaa, thats very nice. You are working for yourself this honestly and not indulged in anything wrong. I mean, you know many youngsters get indulged in wrong things to earn a living." Junho spoke, "I know but I always works honestly. I don't like to do anything wrong. Its not only for me, but for Jungkook too."

Eunwoo clenched his fist and thought in his mind, "Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook. He is behaving as if his entire life revolves around Jungkook only but nobody knows he is just a money-minded bastard. Playing games here, just trying to win over everyone."

Just then Junho asked Jungkook, "Kookie, why are you looking upset? What happened?" Jungkook looked at Junho with teary eyes and spoke, "Hyung, why you need to work this hard? You hardly have time for yourself. Don't be so strict on yourself, please. It hurts me." A tear fell from his eyes. Junho smiled lightly and gently wiped his tear and said, "Don't think about me much. I am fine. I have no complaints with life. I have you. Its enough."

Jungkook didn't know how to answer. He kept staring at him and thought, "How much he loves me and I was a fool to blame him for leaving me. I am sorry Junho." On the other hand, Junho in his mind, "I can still control him and this stupid person doesn't know a thing. He is a gold mine for me. I just have to bear him for some more time."

At the same time, Yoongi in his mind, "Do he really cares this much for Kook? I don't think so. He is already lying and he must be hiding something. I need to know but I need to be careful. Jungkook loves him deeply. I have to be sure not to hurt Jungkook." Jin in his mind, "He is mentioning Jungkook in his every sentence. Is he obssessed with Jungkook in a unhealthy way?"

Namjoon in his mind, "His behaviour is suspicious. It seems like he desperately wants us to believe on his words." Hobi in his mind, "Ahhh... he is lying. I really want to tie him up and torcher him until he spills all the tea. I hate him so bad. Ahhh, I can... I can abduct him and then take him to our base and can have some fun."

Sohee glanced at four of them who were lost in their thoughts. She looked at each one of them and judged them internally, "Yoon is looking as if he is thinking something deeply and Jin oppa too. Namjoon have a frown on his face, it means something is definitely wrong here which he is not able to understand fully. Hobi is probably planning to torcher someone in his mind." She then followed their gazes and they were at Junho. She mumbled, "Its definitely something about this boy."

Soon their order came and they all were having their desserts. Nobody was speaking anything now. Everyone was silent and lost in their thoughts, except Jimin. He spoke breaking the silence, "Is this dessert this much good that everybody is enjoying it in silence."

Everyone snapped out of their thoughts and Yoongi mumbled, "What?" Jimin sighed and spoke, "Why everyone is so silent? Why nobody is talking? I am getting bored here." Sohee chuckled and said, "I know you are tired now and wants to sleep. Thats why you are just cranky. Stop behaving like a baby." Jimin whined, "I am not a baby noona. Stop saying this." Yoongi chuckled and spoke, "Do I need to again pick you up on my back and make you sleep in your room?"

"Ahhhh hyungggg! Stop embarassing me in front of everyone", said Jimin whining more. Yoongi jokingly said, "Sohee how you handle this big baby, huh?" Sohee laughed and other too. Jimin sulked.

Then Jin spoke, "Lets go guys. We are done I guess." Everyone nodded and went out of the restaurant while talking a little. As soon as they stepped out of the restaurant, Yoongi said, "Jungkook lets go back. Come, sit in the car." Jungkook then said, "Hyung, I will come after dropping Junho. You go ahead."

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