Chapter 29

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With Tae in his room

Tae went to his room and closed the door. He threw himself on the bed and started crying burying his face in the pillow. He was crying very badly.

Then his phone ringed. It was Jimin's call. He picked up the call and Jimin asked, "Hello Tae!, You talked to your hyung?" Tae didn't said anything and started crying. Jimin panicked and asked, "What happened Tae? Did he scolded you, huh? Tell me, why are you crying?"

Tae said in between his cries, "He didn't allowed me Jimin. He.. he said that I cannot stay out after 9 p.m. and if I ask him again, he will reduce my curfew time to 6 p.m. What should I do now Jimin?"

"Tae, don't cry and don't loose hope. Ask him again. Try to convince him. He will definitely listen to you", said Jimin. "But Jimin what if he will not listen and reduce my curfew time then what?", said Tae getting tensed.

"Tae you can try to convince him. He will listen to you. I am sure. Just try once", said Jimin. "Okay, I will talk to him again tomorrow morning", said Tae. Jimin hummed and they cut the call.

On the other hand, with Jungkook

Jungkook was laying on his bed. He was thinking about Tae. After some more time, he decided to go to Yoongi's room and talk to him about Tae.

He went to Yoongi's room and took a deep breathe before knocking at the door. Then, he knocked the door and soon Yoongi opened it. He asked, "Did something happened Kook? You need something?"

"H-hyung, I wanted to request you to allow Tae hyung to stay out at night for work", said Jungkook. Yoongi sighed and before he could say anything, Jungkook spoke again, "I know hyung, you are doing this for our safety but he was very excited for this event. He want to do it so bad. Please allow him hyung. He will be more careful and will keep the guards with him."

Yoongi spoke, "I already said not to discuss this matter again. Just go and sleep." Before Jungkook could say anything, Yoongi closed the door with loud bang on Jungkook's face. Jungkook felt sad and he went back to his room. On the way, he passed through Tae's room, he heard sobbing voices from inside. He twisted the door knob but it was closed from inside. He thought not to disturb him and went silently to his room.

Time skips, morning

All the three brothers were having breakfast. Yoongi's phone ringed. He picked up the call and started talking, "Yes hyung..... Yes I know.... I am leaving in 10 minutes.... get everything ready.... we need to do it today only... lets not take it a lightly, we will do it." He then cut the call and continued his breakfast.

Then Tae decided to talk to him again. Tae spoke in a low voice, "H-hyung--". Yoongi hummed and asked, "What?" Tae gulped and said, "Hyung, regarding that permission. Please allow me hyung." Yoongi didn't say anything, so Tae spoke again,"Hyung please, this event is important. I need to be there. I really want to do this. Please allow me hyung."

"I am not saying you to leave this event. I am just saying you can't stay out till late night", said Yoongi plainly. "But hyung, I might need to stay out. I have to work according to the designers. They will not work according to me", said Tae.

Yoongi got frustated and said loudly, "CAN'T YOU LISTEN AT ONCE? You are really pissing me off. You can't stay out at night." Tae flinched a little hearing to Yoongi's shout and his eyes got teary. He looked down and said in a low voice, "S-sorry hyung." Jungkook felt really bad for Tae but he couldn't do anything.

After that, Yoongi got up from his chair and started leaving the dining area without completing his breakfast. Then he was stopped by Jungkook, he said, "Hyung, please allow Tae hyung. Please. See he is crying. He cried a lot yesterday too. Please hyung."

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