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<3 <3 <3

I've never taken a girl on a date before. I've never been on a date in my life. Because there's never been a girl to capture my interest in the way Aurora has. So if what she wants is quality time with me, I'll take her on as many dates as her heart desires.

In the short time I've known her, I've attempted to catalogue every little piece of information I learn about her. Tried to remember every little detail about her, desperate to know her in any way possible. And now that's paying off.

I know she loves to read and loves to buy books. I know she loves classic rom-coms. I know she loves night time. I know she loves the colour pink — baby pink, specifically. And I know she likes me, thankfully.

So I've spent all week planning the perfect date for her. The past few days, she has asked and asked about it, but I've refused to give anything away. No matter how much she tempts me to with those drugging kisses of hers.

Now it's Friday night and mum let me borrow her car for the night. I sit in the driver's seat, car in her driveway, trying to calm my nerves. This is just Aurora. The girl of my dreams. And there's a high chance I'll meet at least one of her parents when I walk up to her door.

I roll back my shoulders, run a hand through my hair then open up my door. I grab the flowers from the passenger seat and step out of the car, shutting the door behind me. The flowers I got are pink. There's lots of different kinds, because one thing I have yet to learn is her favourite flower. I'll learn that tonight.

Summoning all the courage I can, I hop up the front porch steps and reach up to knock on the wooden door in front of me. My heart is in my throat as I wait for an agonising few seconds before the door swings open. I look down at the greying man standing in front of me, swallowing nervously. He doesn't say anything but raises a brow, eyes twinkling.

I clear my throat, nerves rolling through me. "Uh, hi. I'm George. I'm here to pick up Aurora, um, Sir."

He stares at me for a moment, "George, huh?" His stare is scrutinising, "I guess Rory wasn't exaggerating when she said you were tall." He cracks a teasing smile then, "I'm her dad, Joey. Nice to meet you."

A relived breath escapes me as I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Sir."

"Please call me Joey. I'll go let her know you're here." He leaves the door open as he turns and walks up a set of stairs to the left. I'm unsure whether to step inside or not, so I stay rooted in place, holding my breath.

After a moment or so, I hear the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. The moment I see her, my entire body relaxes, and a dopey smile lifts my lips. Her bright blue eyes land on me and she wears a shy sort of smile. She's wearing a pretty blue dress with stockings, black boots and a coat over top. Her hair hangs around her shoulders in perfect curls. She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

"Hi, George," She lets out on a breath, stopping in front of me with a smile. She stares up at me and any words I had to say get caught in my throat. When I don't say anything for a few seconds, she tilts her head, mirth in her gaze. "Did my dad say something to scare you?"

I manage to shake my head, clearing my throat. "No, he's nice. I—" The dress brings out the blue in her eyes and she's wearing lipgloss that makes her lips so shiny and pink. I've never wanted to kiss someone more than her in this moment. "I don't know what you did, but I can't think of very many words right now."

A soft giggle passes her lips and the look in her eyes is adoring. I hope she looks at me like that every day forever. "Well, what words can you think of?"

"Aurora," I murmur, "Aurora. Aurora. Aurora." I take my time saying her name over and over again. I pronounce every syllable, rolling them around my tongue. Her name might be my favourite thing to say. "Pretty. So, so pretty." I swallow roughly, suddenly remembering the bouquet hanging limply at my side. Quickly, I thrust it out towards her, "Flowers."

Her eyes widen slightly, mouth dropping with a little surprised gasp. Carefully, she takes the flowers from me, eyes sparkling brightly. "You got me flowers?" She looks up at me, smiling, "And you think I'm pretty?"

Frowning, I murmur, "Yes, I got you flowers. And you know I think you're pretty. And beautiful. And smart and caring and funny and—"

"George," She cuts me off with a loud laugh of my name.

I smile down at her, humming, "Aurora."

"Thank you," She whispers, lifting the flowers to take in a deep breath of their scent. Her smile is small, content, so happy. I need to buy her flowers more often. "I love them. There's even tulips in here. They're my favourite."

"I didn't know," I admit softly, "I wanted to get your favourites but I didn't know. So I got your favourite colour instead. I'll get a bouquet of tulips next time."

"Next time?" She questions, eyes widening. "George—"

"They've made you so happy," I explain quickly, "I'll buy you flowers whenever you want. I want to see you this happy all the time."

"It's not the flowers," She steps closer and cranes her neck, going up on her tip toes to press a kiss to my jaw. "It's you. You make me very happy, love."

My shoulders drop and I slouch a little to be closer to her, resting my hands on each side of the doorframe. She's just a breath away when I whisper dazedly, "My Aurora."

She lifts a hand to brush over my cheek. My eyes fall closed. "My lovely, lovely George."

We stay that way for a long moment, just soaking each other in. Then, I finally murmur, "Are you ready for our date?"

"Of course I am," She grins, "I've been dying to know what you've planned." She ducks inside to put down the flowers then reemerges, stepping outside and shutting the door behind her.

I take her hand in mine, leading her down towards the car. "I hope you love it."

"I'm with you," She states matter-of-factly, turning to look up at me once we've stopped beside the passenger door of the car. Aurora looks up at me, beautiful and perfect and mine. "Of course, I'll love it."

~ Pink Flamingo <3

~ Pink Flamingo <3

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