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The moment I cross the threshold into my biology classroom, I know I'm in for it. As usual, I walk in a few minutes late. Biology is right after lunch and it takes a while to walk up from the rugby field to the science building. Mrs. Lincoln always gives me this disappointed stare when I walk in, but never stops her teaching. She just lets me find my way to my seat. It's a silent sort of agreement we have.

But today she stops. She folds her arms over her chest and says, "Mr. Sparks. Glad you could join us."

I stop abruptly, halfway between the door and my seat. Spinning on my heel to face her, I remain silent. I don't really know what to say. This has never happened before.

"Outside, please," She nods her head towards the door, "Everyone, read chapter three silently for a few minutes while I'm gone." She walks out the door, into the hallway and I reluctantly follow behind her.

In the hall, she looks up at me with that same disappointed stare. I clear my throat softly, nerves filling me. "Uh, what's up, Miss?"

She sighs softly, "George, I've just finished grading your paper for the last topic we did. You failed. This is only the second assignment of the year and you've failed both. I'm starting to really worry about you. Are you doing the extra worksheets I assign you?"

I can feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment. Looking past her shoulder, I rub a hand over the back of my neck, "Uh, I'm trying. It's hard y'know... with rugby and all."

Another disappointed sigh. "Rugby should not come before your school work. This is your last year of school, it's time to put your head down and focus. I want you to graduate, George. And you need to pass this class to graduate."

"I know..."

"I don't think you do." She tuts, "Or if you do, you're not doing a great job of showing it."

"So," I swallow thickly, "Do I get to redo the assignment, or...?"

"Yes, George, you can redo the assignment. You have one week. Under one condition."

I nod quickly, "Of course. What is it?"

"You let me assign you a tutor." My immediate response is to complain, but she holds up a hand to stop me before I even say a word. "I don't want to hear it. I've already got someone lined up. She's the top student in your year and she's willing to help you. You know Mr. Johnston?"


"His biology class aligns with ours. So, twice a week, during class, you'll go to the library for a tutoring session. Starting today. His class is at the end of the hall. You can go there now." She points in the direction of the class, eyebrows raised pointedly.


"But nothing." She cuts me off sternly. "Your grades are important, Mr. Sparks. It's time you recognise that. Tutoring is a great way to help you improve. Maybe the content will be easier to understand from another student's perspective. Off you go. You have your books with you?"

I adjust the bag on my shoulder and nod. "Yeah."

"Good. Go on then. Just knock on the door and tell Mr. Johnston that I sent you." She shoos me away and slips back inside the classroom without another word, shutting the door behind her.

In the silence of the hall, I let out a deep sigh and contemplate for a moment. I could very easily turn and walk the other way. Go hide out in the bathrooms until next period. Mrs. Lincoln would be pissed when she finds out, but that would be a problem for tomorrow.

I really can't afford to fail this class though.

"Goddammit," I mutter under my breath, making up my mind. With heavy steps, I set off down the hall towards the open door of the classroom.

~ Pink Flamingo <3

~ Pink Flamingo <3

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