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The last few days have been the most bliss-filled days of my life. On Friday I sat with Aurora and her friends in the canteen at lunch. She introduced me to them all as her boyfriend and they all seemed nice. Of course Aurora would have nice friends. On Saturday she came to my rugby game again. Then she came back to my house and had tea with my mum. I loved having her sit in my living room. She couldn't stay long though, which disappointed me. Her goodbye kiss, however, did not disappoint. On Monday I spent lunch with her again.

Now it's Tuesday. Aurora insisted I spend some time with my friends at lunch, so I haven't seen her yet. But lunch just ended and now I'm sitting at our usual table in the back of the library, waiting for her to arrive.

The moment she walks out from between the shelves of books, her eyes find me. She smiles brightly before stopping, brows furrowing as she looks around. I know exactly what she sees.

When I walked into the library today, I realised how empty it was. So, I took my opportunity and moved some of the desks in the area to the other side of the library, along with every single chair other than the one I'm sitting on.

"Aurora," I greet her softly, watching as she walks close.

"Hi, George," She tilts her head at me, "Where are all the chairs? Aren't there usually more desks too?"

I look around, acting as though I'm only just seeing the disappearance now. "Huh. That's weird."

She hums softly, dropping her bag to the floor beside the table and bending down to retrieve her notebook. My eyes stay locked on her, trailing up her legs, lingering on the bottom of her skirt brushing the very tops of her thighs when she bends over.

I push my chair out from the table a little, spread my legs and pat my thigh. "I guess you'll just have to sit with me then."

She stands back up straight, placing her book on the table. She eyes me knowingly. "A gentleman would offer me his seat and go looking for another. Or stand instead."

I tilt my head at her, "Have I ever claimed to be a gentleman?"

Her smile brightens her face in the most beautiful of ways. "Good point." She steps closer, between my thighs, hands brushing down her skirt as she sits down. She sits on one thigh, facing slightly perpendicular to me. Without batting an eye, she opens up her notebook and gets right to work.

I'm not as unfazed however. Acting swiftly, I scoop an arm around her waist and sit forward a little to be even closer to her. Taking in a deep breath, I breathe in the intoxicating scent of her perfume. My free hand rests on her thigh, keeping still for the time being.

"Are you going to be able to concentrate, George?" Aurora asks softly, "I know how easily distracted you can get."

"I'll be fine," I assure her, resting my chin on her shoulder, "My focus is completely on you, I promise."

"The notes," She scolds, "Your focus should be the notes."


"Yes, George?"

"Please don't ask me to do something so impossible." I murmur, pressing a kiss to her neck. Her dark curls are pulled back into a ponytail today.

She sighs softly, "George."

"Give me a few minutes," I reason, slipping my hand that rests on her waist underneath her sweater then under her shirt to rest on the bare skin of her stomach. Her breath hitches. "Then I'll behave. I promise."

"A few minutes to do what exactly?" Her voice is breathy as I brush my fingertips over the skin above the waistband of her skirt.

"To do whatever you'd like me to do to you."

I hear it when she swallows roughly. "I want you to study."

I smile against the skin of her neck. "No you don't."

"George," a soft gasp leaves her lips when I kiss a particularly sensitive spot on her neck, "please, love."

Pausing, I let the word wash through me, setting my skin alight. My heart pounds in my chest. "I like that. Say it again."

Her laugh is soft, "Say what, love?"

Sighing, I let my head fall limply into the crook of her neck, holding her tightly to me. "You complain about my wandering hands but then say that and I'm supposed to be fine?"

"I'm not complaining," She argues, "I quite like your wandering hands, George. But we have work to do."

"But I never get this time with you," I defend, "At lunch we're either apart or with your friends. On the weekend when you came over, my mum was there the whole time. When am I supposed to hold you like this if not now?"

"I see," She hums, "This is how you show... love. Isn't it? Through touch?"

I think about it for a moment, "I guess it is. My mum has always shown her love this way. Always hugged me and held me, kissed my head. This is how I was taught to show affection. Is it... not something you want?"

She turns in my arms a little, lifting her hand to my cheek to turn my face up towards her. Our eyes lock. She's giving me that pretty smile. "I want your affection, George. However you choose to express it. I just didn't realise how much physical contact means to you. But now that I understand, I can be better at receiving and giving you that affection too."

I give her a dopey smile. "So how do you show love then, Aurora?"

She thinks about it for a moment, "I think quality time. I like just being with you, George. I understand that we can't always be together. But I like being around you. Having you near me in some capacity. Does that make sense?"

"Yes," I tell her immediately, "Do you want to go on a date with me, Aurora?"

Smiling, she nods her head, "I would love to go on a date with you, George."

~ Pink Flamingo <3

~ Pink Flamingo <3

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