thirty one

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THE AIRPORT WAS busy. Seemingly, the second week of December was the time when everyone had decided to collectively go on holiday. Flights were leaving every few minutes, new people were rushing into the large building with wheeled suitcases every second, beeps and other noises alerted the arrival and departures every moment. A lot was happening, and still, Evelyn couldn't shake off the feeling of eyes on her.

When she'd arrived, most other people were there. She'd greeted Chris, Theo, George, Max, Cal, Lux, Harry, Cam, Arthur Hill, Alex and Chip with hugs while they waited on the last person to arrive: Arthur. They were all ecstatic, excited for the days to come. While Evelyn was joyful beyond belief, she still had an underlying sense of worry that sparked up when the brunet man walked hurriedly through the front doors of the airport.

"Mate, we've been waiting forever!" Chip teased as he walked up to Arthur, wrapping an arm around him. Evelyn watched him laugh as he said something inaudible due to the distance, before he looked up, his eyes falling straight on hers.

He sent her a nod with a grin, which she softly smiled at with a nod back. Nothing too meaningful, but something to recognise acknowledgement. That's all they were then, at that point in time. Just two people who were once something more, now dwindled down to a burnt crisp of what if. What if that night hadn't happened? What if Arthur hadn't ran away? What if he hadn't sent that text? What if? What if?

As everyone else walked over to greet the newcomer, George moved towards the blonde and leant his elbow on her shoulder. He leant down closer, his voice a mere whisper. "I'm going to make it my mission to get you guys talking again."

Evelyn looked up at him with furrowed brows. "What do you mean? We do talk?"

George raised a brow, almost questioning her. "You know what I mean," he said before moving away, sending her one final look with a wink before greeting his other friend. Neither of them had noticed the prolonged glances Arthur was sending their way, the conversation having sent jolts of jealously throughout his body. No, he'd told himself, you don't get to feel that anymore. He ruined everything, so he deserved to crumble.

As they checked in their bags, Evelyn stayed at the front of the group near Theo, George, Harry, Max and Calfreezy, while Arthur stayed at the back with the others. The entire time, Evelyn could feel a set of eyes burning into her back, watching her every move and consideration. She didn't even have to turn around - she knew who it was. It could only be one person. It was Arthur fucking Frederick.

It got to the point where she could feel anger bubbling up within her tense chest. In her mind, he didn't have the right to watch her and hope for something like change. It was his fault. Arthur's fault. Everything was his fault. She knew she was being petty, but was she? Did a man who kissed her and ran away, a grown man, have the obligation to act like nothing of the sort ever happened?

"Can you please watch my bag? I need to go to the bathroom," she asked George, who nodded brightly. Max stepped forward from beside him.

"I'll come with you, I desperately need to piss," he said before linking arms with the blonde and dragging her away. She let him with a smile. "Right, now they're gone, spill."

"I don't know what you're-"

"Don't play dumb with me, Miss someone-is-staring-at-me-and-I'm-getting-mad-about-it Bradshaw. I can see a certain good-looking man watching you, he's been doing it the whole time!"

While she was mad, just a little bit, she couldn't - and would never be able to - hold back a slight, miniature blush from rising to her warm cheeks. She ducked her head slightly with a small shake of it, her lips twisting up at the corners.

"Do you even need to pee?" She asked.

Max widened his eyes. "Of course not! I'm taking you to the coffee shop in the food court so you can give me the details over a steaming hot cup of latte," he grinned before tugging her in another direction. "I know you don't have to go to the bathroom either."

Evelyn laughed. "Okay, okay. But you can't tell anyone this, alright? I don't even think George knows."

"Oh, George knows. I can tell he fucking knows," Max said ferociously as they walked into the bustling food centre. "Which is why you need to tell me, because he won't!"

"Yes, I will. I need coffee first. It's too early for this," the blonde groaned as she pushed herself into the back of the line, tapping her shoes against the airport tiles as they waited for people to be served.

Max rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it. I'm ten minutes away from hitting the deck if I don't get a bit of caffeine in me- Oh my God, is that a Disney shop?"

Evelyn span around with wide eyes, her sight latching onto the merchandise store across the area. She sternly gripped onto Max's bicep to pull him back into the line, watching the man gasp as he admired the shop from afar.

"Max, no."

"But they have crocs!"

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