20) The Day After

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Song: Half Light by Banners

Kai Carter (POV)

I grabbed another fist full of the duvet, wrapping it tightly around my body. Throughout the night, it seemed that my duvet was trying to get away from me, I have no idea what I had done to the sheet, but the more I pulled it towards me, the more I felt like an invisible force was pulling it away from me. I was starting to think that I was sharing my bed with a ghost.

There it was again, that annoying pull. 'I don't know where the fuck you think you're going, but I'm not going to release you. I'm fucking cold.' I gave the duvet a final tug releasing it from the evil force that was trying to steal my warmth away from me.

"Jesus Christ, will you stop stealing all the cover." A very familiar voice grumbled causing my eyes to fly open. But before I could see anything, a dull ache had taken up residence within my skull. I had a terrible headache.

Ignoring the throbbing of my head, I turned in the direction of the voice. There he was in all his glory, his upper body was void of any form of clothing, and he was wearing black shorts. Even in a lying position, his muscles were still very defined. I had the sudden urge to run my tongue down his abdomen and...

Stop it, bad kai.

Before my dirty thoughts could continue to torment my mind, my eyes finally landed on Damien's face to see that he was giving me an annoyed look. To be honest, I couldn't even remember how I got here.

"Damien?" I said and winced at the sound of my voice. My throat was dry and my voice sounded hoarse. I definitely didn't like the sound of that.

At the sound of my voice, the annoyed look on his face was immidiately wiped out. He sat up and scooted closer to me.

"How do you feel?" His voice was even deeper than usual.

"My head and stomach hurt." I answered. "Why do I feel like that?"

"You don't remember?" He asked me.

"Remember what?" I asked.

"That you were drunk out of your mind last night. Why did you drink that much?"

The memories started slowly coming back to me. I remembered my father telling me to not come back home for the night, and Wendy with her filthy hands around Damiens shoulders.

But the only thing I said was: "To cope."

"To cope?" He echoed my response and I nodded.

"Kai, you almost did drugs last night. If I were not there you would probably still be at that lake wasted away." He said in a serious tone.

Me? Almost did drugs? That's absolutely insane. "What?"

Damien sighed. "You were drunk. Why did you drink that much? I don't like you putting yourself in danger like that. And alcohol should never be used as a coping mechanism okay."

I nodded. "I-I just saw Wendy all pressed up against you and I was already having a bad day so I just couldn't take it." I said looking down at my hands.

"I know, you told me something along those lines last night." He told me. "Remember what I told you after that?" He said with a hopeful look on his face.

I nodded. Although I can't remember almost doing drugs, I can remember the conversation I had with Damien in great detail.

"I told you that I liked you." I said getting a bright red color.

"Liked? As in past tense?" He teased only causing me to get a brighter shade of red.

"No" I gave him a playful shove and hid my face in the duvet. "I still like you." I said but I'm pretty sure it sounded muffled.

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