18) Oui

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Song; Break Your Chains by Happy Republic

Kai Carter (POV)

I'm feeling happy today. I know, that kinda sounds like blasphemy, but things have been good. My parents haven't bothered me for a few days now, which is really strange, but I really hope that it stays that way. And Damien, oh boy, I have no idea what we are, but for the past few days I really like how things have been.

I woke up really early and started painting a random side profile of a boy. The more I painted, the more I realised that the 'random boy' I was painting, wasn't as random as I thought. It was infact Damien. I painted his jet black hair, Deep brown eyes and sharp jawline to great detail.

School was going to be starting in a few hours, so I was just killing time. After painting for awhile, the voice of my mother came through the door.

"Get you lazy ass up and go to school." She said standing in the door.

I sighed. "As you can see, I'm not sleeping."

She gasped and clutched her chest. "Are you talking back at me?"

I stood up from where I was sitting and my mother flinched as if I was going to hit her. Typical mother being dramatic. "I didn't talk back at you, you accused me of sleeping in, and I told you I wasn't."

She shook her head. "There you go, doing it again." Then she added. "Wait till you father hear about this." She walked out of the room calling for my father.

I sighed and got ready for school. Suprisingly, my father didn't hit me. Even he knew that my mother could be a bit dramatic at times.


Unfortunately, unlike the previous days, Damien didn't come to pick me up. But he did send me a text message saying that it was because 'they had a really early morning practise.' I decided to ride my bike to school that morning.

When I arrived, Damiens car was parked in it's usual spot in the students parking lot, and I could see a figure sitting inside. Before I could stop myself, my curiosity got the better of me, and my legs carried my body to see who it was.

I don't know why, but the closer I got to the vehicle, the more I felt like my chest was constricting. The thought of someone else sitting in Damien's car didn't sit right with me. The closer I got, the more the person face looked familiar through the slightly tinted windshield.

From what I could tell, it was definitely a guy. Not any guy though, it was infact Topher. I sighed in releaf that it was him and no one else. When I was close enough, I knocked on the glass of the passangers window, causing Topher to glance up from whatever he was watching on his phone screen.

When he realised that it was me, his face morphed into a grin, and he motioned for me to open the door. "Hey Kai." He greeted once the door was opened.

"Hey Topher. What's up?" I greeted him back.

"You know, the usuals."

I raised my brows at him. "And what exactly are the usuals?" I asked him.

"Oh you know, just looking out to see when you arrived at school." He said like it was completely normal for him to sit in a car looking out for me.

I gave him a confused look. "You were looking out for me?" I asked pointing to myself for confirmation.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, weird right?"


"I know, but it was Damien."

"What do you mean it was Damien?" I asked him.

"He instructed me to sit in his car and look out for when you got to school." Topher shook his head. "The guy is obsessed with you."

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