16) The Lake

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SONG: Like Real People Do by Hozier.

Third Person (POV)

The lake is still and quiet, with only the sounds of crickets and frogs in the distance. The water is dark and cold, with a slight chill in the air. The moon is full and bright, casting a silver glow across the surface of the lake. The water is still and calm, reflecting the moons face like a mirror. The trees around the lake are tall and dark, casting long shadows onto the water. The scene is peaceful and serene, but there is also a sense of mystery and intrigue in the air.

The sound of car engines in the distance is a low and steady hum, like a distant rumble. It's a constant reminder of the world beyond the peaceful and quiet lake. The sound of the engines is muffled by the distance and the trees, but it's still audible, creating a sense of connection to the world outside.

The sound of the engines grows louder and louder, as four vehicles come into view, parked near the lake. The cars' headlights illuminate the area, casting a bright light on the trees and the water. Among the vehicles is a sleek Cadillac CTS-V, it's grey exterior glinting in the moonlight.

Out of the cars' emerged seven teenagers, crowding the once peaceful and desolate area. The stillness of the area was broken by the sudden eruption of conversation, as the sound of many voices rose and mingled together, filling the air with a lively and animated buzz.

"Ten bucks if you jump in the water fully clothed." Jack said to Leo.

"Make it twenty and we have a deal." Leo answered.

"Ok deal."

"Are you crazy?" Holly said. "You're going to get sick if you do that."

"He won't get sick, and if he does he has the perfect excuse to miss school, which means that he'll get extra time to study for that physics exam. Right Leo."

"You know that is a really good idea." Leo said. "I might as well fake sick."

"Seriously Leo, the water is like six degrees."

"Don't worry!" He yelled already edging closer to the water. "I'll buy cough syrup with the twenty dollars I'm about to get from Jack."

Holly sighed. "Le-"

She was cut of by Damien placing a hand on her shoulder. "Just leave him, you know that Leo is attracted to stupid decisions."

Then he yelled. "I'll make it fifty if you jump from that rock." He said pointing to an elivated rock and making his way to the other two boys.

"Seriously Damien? I can't believe you."

"Oh lighten up Holly." Said Emma. "Whats the point of coming to the lake if we're not going to go into the water."

Kai stood awkwardly by a rock while the rest of the group edged towards the water. "Not a fan of the water?" A voice said from behind Kai causing him to clutch his chest in terror.

Kai turned around to see who the voice belonged to. He saw Rob standing a few feet behind him with his hands in his pockets. "You kinda scared me."

Rob chuckled which took Kai by suprise. This was the first time that he ever heard Rob laugh, he was the most serious out of the group. "Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Why are you not swimming with the others?"

"I just don't want to go in because Damien said that it might be cold. I don't wanna get sick or anything like that." Kai told him.

"Ok." Rob said.

After that the two fell into an awkward scilence for a few seconds. Rob then sat down on the rock, with Kai following his example. Then Kai broke the scilence.

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