Two Peas On A Pod

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/Flash Back\


Seryu Ubiquituous lets out a small groan as she slowly opens her eyes, it took a moment for her to see clearly and let the blurriness fade away, but after gaining her sight back, she was able to see that she was lying down on a bed, with her trusty partner Koro nuzzled up against her, while also being in some kind of white room, all of which were confusing her already disoriented mind.

"A-Am I still alive?..."

"Yes, Rex made sure of it, though if you still feel unwell, then I'll call Dr. Rebecca Holiday to give you another check-up."

The unfamiliar voice instantly tensed up Seryu, and out of instinct, she tried to get up and attack the stranger. The keyword "tried to," she, unfortunately, realized a little too late that she no longer had any arms or legs, and just promptly fell off the bed. Luckily for her, the mysterious person, who was actually Agent Six, was able to catch her before she hit the floor.

"The Doctor will have some prosthetics for your missing limbs, please try to rest until then."

After Six carefully placed Ubiquity back on the bed; she couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes.

"Y-You're not going to kill me?"

When Seryu asked this question in a confused tone, the Agent couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Am I supposed to?"

When Six asked her back, she couldn't help but place her hand on her forehead and wear a slightly pained and struggling expression.

"I… I don't know…"

Seryu was beyond confused and lost; her head was pounding, and she could barely think straight.

"Well, what do you know?"

Six grabbed a nearby chair and sat next to her; he was willing to listen to her and hear what she had to say, which took her a few moments to find the answer.

"I know… I know I was a soldier… Trained by my Father and my two teachers… Fighting against evil in the name of Justice… And then I died?..."

Seryu then lay down on the bed and let out some small exhausted pants, clearly remembering that it had taken a lot out of her and made her headache even worse.

"Anything else? Like what military you were a part of, your home, and who did this to you?"

He was taking it slow with her, not wanting to overwhelm her with too many questions, but each question he did ask was met with a head shake, making him hum in response.

"What about your full name?"

"Seryu Ubiquitous."

Seryu was able to answer that question instantly without any hesitation, which satisfied Six enough and gave her something to go off of.

"Ok, Seryu, you can call me Six, I'm an Agent of Providence, and so far I am doing everything that I can to, at the very least, send you and your pet back home."

When Six mentioned the idea of going 'home' to her, she couldn't help but make a face of uncertainty and doubt.

'Do I even have a home to go back to?...'

For some reason, even though Seryu could remember, she felt like she didn't have a home to go back to; especially since the things she did remember mostly involved everyone she knew and cared about being dead because of the evil in the world, which honestly made her very depressed and lonely. She quickly hugged the sleeping Koro tightly, as if searching for the only thing that gave her comfort.

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