chapter 3- school

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Me and ash were wandering the halls to find our class. We eventually found it and walked into the room. The teacher welcomed us. We were the first ones in here so we whent to the back to sit next to eachother.

Ash- "you know you forgot to go for vape before we came here"


Alex- "oh fuck sake, i might just vape in the class when everyone gets here"

Ash- "are u fucking crazy?"

Alex- "yes, and in need of something to keep me calm"

Ash- "well just DO NOT GET CAUGHT"

Alex- "i wont ashy, dont u worry"

He rolled his eyes at the nickname i had given him.


Ash- "never ever call me that name again"

Alex- "or what ashy?"

Ash- "i will shoot u in the head"

Alex- "do it bitch"

Ash- "yo ass too pretty to die, or else i wouldn't hesitate twice"


i put my head in my hands to hide the hot rush to my cheeks. He giggle silently.

Everyone else started coming in the room and i pick my head up and look at the teacher.

MT- "hello class my name is Mr Weston and i will be ur math teacher for this year"


Ash- "this is so boring, i am nearly alseep"

Alex- "i know"

I secretly puff on my vape and ash just watches me, admiring me more like. The teacher just looks at ash then at me so i have to quickly inhale all the smoke into my lungs.

Mr weston- "Mr o'neil, can u focus on me not Miss perez. We get u like her but we need to do some math!"

Everyone turns to me and ash so i quickly just put my head down so i can breathe out the remain of the smoke. I sit back up to ash side eyeing me and handing me a piece of paper.

"Sorry for that, the teacher is a mega ass like so, are u okay like can u breathe"?

I write "yes i can breathe and i know the teacher is an ass. I hope he dies right now"

he looks to me and nods and we just try to listen to the teacher. Until, i feel him grab my pinky and lock it in with his. My heart is melting. This guy, i met hin what a day ago and he has my heart melting,making me blush and he has attachment issues. God. What has gotten into me?

Math had finally finished, THANK GOD.
All that teacher talked about was fucking algebra like i give a fuck. I just kept puffing on vape and admiring ash.

To, Ashtray ps. i love youWhere stories live. Discover now