26- when

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imessage, instagram, & irl!


when do i get to know where
we are going

when i want you to

how will i know what to pack

rose already packed for you

when was she at my house? that's
kinda really creepy draco

when you were at my house
you fell asleep so i figured it
would be a good time


yeah oh
now get your ass over to my

for why

because we're leaving
i told you this already

yeah i'm coming


margoteloise posted

margoteloise posted

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seen by o.woo19, potterharry, parvpatil, and others


"SHE IS OUT cold," terrance leaned over the girl.

"she's a heavy sleeper," draco mumbled and lifted her into his arms. "i've put her in oliver or rose's car far too many times."

theo rolled his eyes, "it's so much nicer here than back home."

"isn't it?" marcus tipped his head back .

"i always forget you grew up here," graham shook his head.

"i love it here, but now that i've lived in the states i don't think i could die it up."

"cab's here," terrance waved them over.

the drive to marcus' family home was short. his parents spent most of their time traveling, so the group was able to stay there.

"this is so nice."


margoteloise posted a story

margoteloise posted a story

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seen by o.wood19, rose_potter, nevillelb, and others


c speaks!

i was going to make the irl longer, but it gave me the ick i can't explain it


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