20- extra hole

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notturmanz posted

liked by gargoyle, crabberangoon, barf, and others

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liked by gargoyle, crabberangoon, barf, and others

notturmanz he always refuses to cuddle me and this bitch swoops in

zucchini we've been over this theo
notturmanz she can give him things i can't blah blah ik
notturmanz but i have a wonderful ass
marx no boobs though
grahamcracker or the extra hole
dragondude wtf

cyl333 likes are goyle, crabbe, and miles bletchley

rasputin poor draco was by himself at the foot of the bed
notturmanz she has a favorite draco

twinkletoes that is so cute
twinkletoes if only you saw the moon stuffie

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rose_potter posted a story

seen by dmalfoy, twinkletoes, tnott, and others

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seen by dmalfoy, twinkletoes, tnott, and others


little ballerina and the other guys

a guy
i see you're actually dancing

little ballerina
i have been busy
but yeah nutcracker auditions
are in a couple months so
we're all practicing for the part
we want

gay guy
that would be cutesy

little ballerina
sugarplum fairy actually

unproblematic guy
sounds fun

bald guy
i expect front row tickets

big guy

little ballerina
i like watching ballet from higher
up cause you can see everything
but ok

grumpy guy
it's like none of you have ever
been to a show

little ballerina
have you?

grumpy guy
my mom used to drag me
all the time

little ballerina
back in the olden days
when a ticket only costed 50 cents

grumpy guy
fuck you

a guy
i'm sure you want to draco

bald guy
really making you work for
it huh

gay guy

little ballerina

unproblematic guy
don't worry about it

little ballerina


c speaks!

at this rate you'll never get my pinterest bc i can't even look at my followers let alone remove them


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