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margoteloise posted

margoteloise posted

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margoteloise guys he did it for me

tagged: harrystyles

o.wood19 where's toto
margoteloise toto would only agree to wear a brown hoodie and refused to let me take a picture of him
weasleyr that backfired so hard
o.wood19 you went with a boy?
margoteloise you didn't want to go with me! i couldn't go alone

rose_potter you won
margoteloise i won't ever shut up about this

user she does not miss
user1 she's perfect

tnott i would've dressed up as toto PROPERLY
margoteloise you didn't come
tnott and he took the chance to see HARRY for granted
o.wood19 why are you talking to him? and why does he know who you went with?

higgs i helped pick out the dress
margoteloise my favorite helper

lavbrown does little margot finally have a boyfriend?
margoteloise i do not

user2 dress from where
margoteloise store !

slytherinsnakes we were sad you missed our game, but we now understand. we would've skipped for harryween too
gryffindorlions are you poaching our favourite sister?
margoteloise i can be shared
o.wood19 no you can not block them omg
slytherinsnakes no need to force you sister into blocking your own team, wood. we understand that loss was tough for you, but you can try again next time.

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little ballerina and the other guys

margot- little ballerina
draco- grumpy guy
theo- gay guy
blaise- bald guy
terrance- unproblematic guy
flint- big guy
montague- a guy

little ballerina
your friend sucks

gay guy
yeah we know

grumpy guy
i just spent the last 4 hours
of my life watching a man
in a dress sing
i get to be sucky

unproblematic guy
don't be boring
did you have fun margot?

little ballerina
when i saw he was also
dorothy i freaked out
i was screaming so loud

grumpy guy
very, very loud

little ballerina
i was excited

bald guy
understandably so

little ballerina
see! he gets it

a guy
you seriously wouldn't
dress up

grumpy guy
she wanted to make me
wear dog ears
i let her paint my nails
that's all i was going to do

big guy
you made it surprisingly far

little ballerina
that's far? i intend on getting
him to go all the way
one day i will do his lashes

grumpy guy
i would not let you near
my eyes if you paid me
a million dollars
if you could even reach
my head at that

little ballerina
i'm not that short

grumpy guy
i picked you up with one
arm when we had to leave

little ballerina
that has nothing to do
with my height!!! and
it's not my fault people
shove and you walk fast

gay guy
i can sense the tension
you two should fuck

tiny dancer
we should not

grumpy guy
she's bright red

a guy
are you till together?

little ballerina
i am not

grumpy guy
you are
and there's a bunch of
people walking in the
middle of the street
feathers everywhere

gay guy
im so jealous

little ballerina
there's always night two
and you have a large bank
account and no game

gay guy
are you trying to con me
into paying for you to go to
harryween for the second
because if you are i just
bought tickets

little ballerina
we should all go

grumpy guy
i am not going again

big guy
why are you texting when
you're in the car together

little ballerina
because how are you to know
what we're talking about?

grumpy guy
i am not going again

gay guy
i may or may not have
bought six tickets already...

grumpy guy
great there's seven of us

bald guy
i'm going to my mom's

grumpy guy
fuck you

little ballerina
it will be great


c speaks!

i dunno what to say


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