chapter 46

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James seemed to relax more as time went on. At first he walked quietly behind Rafael who tried his best to get his youngest son to  feel more comfortable around him.
He really was trying his best .

And after some time or rather the accident..... James started to relax.

It hadn't been long since they got there and Rafael was talking to James about all the tech stuff in the first area they visited. It was the type of museum that had little interactive areas.

Rafael was very surprised when they were in the tech area which gave lots of history on the use of coding, hacking, how technology has devolped over the years including the advancements of analysis and different discoveries. The interactive section was a coding problem, Rafael never expected his son to understand the coding pattern it was just a fun little challenge nothing hard but certainly not something most kids would understand, in fact Rafael had witnessed several children complain to their parents after not understanding it.
He wanted James to open up more so he encouraged him to try and was surprised when a few minutes later James turned to him with the coding problem solved. "That's great James, I'm proud of you" Rafael said. His son was extremely clever he just didn't know it.

"It's nothing really" James shrugged not allowing himself to enjoy how it felt to be complimented.

"None of the other children could understand"

"But Alex and Skye could easily anwser it faster and so could the others" James wasn't ready to call them his family yet.

"Hmm I doubt it. Why don't I take a picture and we can test them when we get home" he suggested.

James agreed wanting to prove Rafael wrong.

When they were leaving the technology area , that's when the accident occured.

James tripped and went flying into a display area, he didn't break anything but he expected Rafael to get angry and hurt him for knocking something other.

Rafael didn't know how to respond. He was trying his best not to laugh as he helped his son up. He was concerned for his son but it was amusing. He then put the display back as it was. Just then a few security guards started approaching them. They didn't look happy and Rafael couldn't help roll his eyes.

"Lovely afternoon isn't it" Rafael said to the security guards who glared.

"What were you doing to the display" the security guard asked.

"What display" Rafael asked playing clueless but automatically putting his arm over James shoulder in a protective manner.

"That display. We got an alert" another said.

"It looks perfectly fine to me although you might want to hire a cleaner, it's a bit dusty"

Rafael then continued to confuse them and they didn't look pleased.

"I'm getting the manager" one finally said.

"Run" Rafael whispered as they finally had their backs turned to them. Two inspecting the display, another with his back turned to make the call.

James was confused but did as Rafael said and the two found themselves in a laboratory, there was plenty of microscopes, a UV spectrometer and various other equipment.

Rafael laughed slightly which caused James to laugh, he had been so worried but the incident had turned out to be a good thing because it showed James that despite knocking something over which could have broken and cost 1000s,  Rafael wasn't angry, not in the slightest .

After that, James decided it was okay to have fun and couldn't help but explain most items to Rafael as they went room from room.

Rafael listened and asked questions where needed even if he did know the anwser.

By the end of the science museum trip, James was alot more comfortable with Rafael and out of the gift shop, Rafael allowed James to get anything, he chose an advanced science book which he carried like it was something that could never be replaced.

"Did you know...." James said as they drove home, he kept this up giving Rafael random facts that were in his book.

Rafael smiled, he lobed his youngest son was happy, it made him happy.

That evening at the dining table, James was busy telling Alex and Skye how great the museum was, the others were also having conversations amongst themselves.

Alex was still wary but seeing his brother happy meant alot. He had never seen his brother like this before, at least he didn't remember. And that only made him feel more defensive, he would give his father a challenge tommorow.

Rafael proposed the coding problem to his sons, excluding his two eldest.

"How the fuck am I suppose to know" Marco said giving up straight away.
Although he secretly continued to work on the problem and came up with the solution.
Nico shrugged and guessed, coding was not his strong point.

Alex and Skye had no clue.

James didn't like to admit it but he was secretly glad his siblings didn't understand. It was always the three of them,  but now things were changing,  Alex was always the protector, he had always been more physical fit then James and Skye, James was glad he had something that Skye and Alex didn't have.

"It's easy you just...." James proceeded to explain shocking everyone but Rafael.

"That's very impressive James" Lorenzo said.

For Rafael it was obvious, he was raising a future scientist, although he was naturally gifted with coding , Rafael had seen how good James was throughout the building. He knew alot.

Only time would tell what James' future would look like......or not look  like.

Alex and Skye couldn't help but feel proud of their brother, and we're quick to tell him how great he was.
Even Alex let his guard down slightly with a joke "we can have you hack into the school and change our grades"

"That's illegal, you won't be doing that" Rafael quickly said.

"The irony " Lorenzo muttered.

"You are aware they know" Marco said not seeing the harm.

"Of course I am aware, they are 14 though. No illegal behaviour"  Rafael said.

Alex felt guilty . He was a criminal after all. The one they were after to be precise.

"You know I was joking right" Alex said.

"Yes but I just wanted to make it clear since someone already got into trouble for that" Rafael said looking at Nico.

"I got caught" Nico admitted.

"I didn't" Marco muttered so only the triplets and Nico heard.

Marco often hacked the school system to mark himself present for the days he just didn't feel like going to school and didn't want his father worrying about him. The days when he wanted to be alone.

So my first chapter in a while . Exams are over now so hopefully once I get back into writing I'll have more regular updates for you. Next will be Alex's day with Rafael and Skye's although I forgot my plan with Skye and Rafael so it won't be as good.

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