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Ok so this is the new book. It's extremely dark. Trigger warning of all types of abuse, violence and implied sexual assult ect. Please do not read this book if you are uncomfortable with any of these topics.
I always forget to put trigger warnings so I'm just going to keep it as this as a warning throughout as it will be dark from this introduction onwards.

I don't have a full plan for this book so it could go in any direction as of now.

The introduction contains abuse.

Alexander was running late, they would be back any minute and if he wasn't there they would take their anger out on his siblings.

The siblings weren't allowed to leave the basement without permission, Alexander was tasked with dealing drugs for them, the only time he was allowed out. They told him if he didn't they would send Skye, the streets at night were no place for Skye. They had forced her to go once when they had beaten Alexander and James until they were unconcious. They sent Skye, when Alexander woke up he panicked. His brother passed out and his sister gone. She had returned not long after, they threw her in the basement laughing and closing the door. As soon as the siblings heard the door lock, Skye ran to Alexander hugging him. She broke down, she wouldn't say what happened but Alexander knew it was bad.

So here he was running back to the building. He made it however as soon as he entered he was punched knocking him back.

"Did you complete the job" one of them asked.

"Yes sir" Alexander lowered his head, they saw eye contact as defence.

"Good, since tonights job was important you may have this"  the man said throwing one slice of mouldy bread at him.

"What no thank you?" One of them taunted.

"He's so ungrateful" one of them laughed

The leader chuckled it wasn't friendly at all. In seconds, Alexander was curled up on the floor letting himself get beaten. If he fought it would either be worse or his siblings would get beaten.

Eventually they got tired and dragged him down the stairs by his shirt collar. "This is what you get for your lack of manners"

One of them followed, his eyes landed on Skye who James was holding in his chest.

The man smirked and grabbed Skye, he pulled her by her her hair forcing her to look at him as his hands wandered down her body over her clothes. James and Alexander lunged at the man but where grabbed and couldn't move. They both yelled for the man to stop. He laughed and threw her on the floor.

This seemed to be a signal that they had all had enough. They gave the boys a few more hits then stormed off upstairs. Once the door was locked Alexander and James rushed to Skye, they both held her, she didn't cry though, she simply hugged them both.
They hated what had happened but they were relieved he only ran his hands over the side of her body and stomach, they were relieved he didn't go further.

"I'm sorry Skye, im so so sorry" Alexander whispered as he held Skye.

That night none of them slept, Skye never really slept, she was always terrified to close her eyes, she only ever slept when she physically couldn't stay awake any longer.

James managed to sleep an hour or so usually but tonight his focus was on Skye.

Alexander rarely slept, he always watched over his siblings, not wanting anything to happen to them. He was able to sleep like James if he wanted too.

They may have been triplets but Alexander was the eldest of the three and he made it his responsibility to look after his two siblings.

They had no idea what time it was but their was alot more movement than usual. And then to their horror several gunshots. Alexander quickly pulled Skye into his lap and held her tightly whilst James moved closer to Alexander, who responded by putting an arm around him.

The door burst open and touches were shone down

The siblings heard a gasp as a torch hit them.
"Sargent you better come see this" a man shouted.

In no time several officer and the Sargent were leading the siblings out of the building. Alexander holding both his siblings hands.

He was causious of the police and wouldn't let them touch his siblings.

They had called an ambulance and were soon taken to the hospital.

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