chapter 8

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The next day.

Last night the triplets  didn't go to seperate rooms, they all stayed in Skye's room. Rafael had come to check on them and tell them it was time for bed but seeing them he couldn't split them up. He had handed them some of Nico's clothes. Despite only being 2 years old Nico's clothes were massive on them.

They all seperated when they woke up to get ready for the day in their rooms to save time. Thankfully the basement they had been kept in had a bathroom so whenever they were allowed to change which wasn't often they would do it in there.

The triplets were all very confused when Rafael gave them clothes, they were even more confused when he told them breakfast will be ready at 8. They had never had breakfast before, not since they were 4 years old. The triplets were paranoid it was a trap and were extremely nervous.
It really confused them when Rafael had gone on to say Leo and Nico were taking them shopping for clothes and stuff they need.

They were still convinced it was a trap. They didn't trust the men, their so called family.

Skye couldnt even keep the pants up without them falling they were too big. The t-shirt she was wearing went down to her knees.

She didn't want to go out without her brothers so she had to wait for them to finish getting ready.

Unfortunately for her when there was a knock at her door, she went to anwser it thinking it was Alexander and James but instead it was Lorenzo. She gulped and backed away.

"Good morning Skye, I just came to check you were up, breakfast is ready soon" he said.

Skye had never spoken to him alone, she had barely spoken to Leo and he was the one she was least afraid of.
Lorenzo looked at her seeing how big the clothes on her were. He couldn't help but break the emotionless expression and smile, it was slightly amusing.

"Well you can't go out like that,  why don't we go see if we can find something to keep them up" he said gently.

Skye looked at him with confusion, she was too scared to say no  so she nodded and before she knew it, she had followed him into his room.

She looked around, it was alot bigger than her room and lacked any warmth.

She stayed by the door ready to run if needed.

Lorenzo glanced at her shaking frame and sighed. He didn't even want to acknowledge his thoughts, He hoped he was wrong.

He grabbed a belt for her from one of the drawers. Her eyes went wide when she saw him come closer with it in his hand. She  was terrified. Lorenzo looked so much more stronger than them, he could easily do more damage. All she could think of was that he was going to hit her. she realised her hopes of it being different here were stupid.

Instead of crying, she had an emotionaless look. They hurt her more when she cried so she refused to cry. They hurt her more when she resisted so she stood there.
Lorenzo held the belt out for her. She was confused. What was she meant to do with it.

"Here you need to put it on, I'll most likely need to make another hole in it" he said.

She was still confused. She looked at the belt he was offering her and then at him. He realised the confusion but didn't get why.

"May I do it" he asked.

She nodded. She didn't dare say no and she was confused at what he wanted.

Skye closed her eyes ready for some kind of hit but she never felt anything.

Lorenzo didn't like this but he chose not to say anything about it just yet "can you open your eyes for me Skye"  for some reason Skye found the tone he used calming.

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