1. Out of Tune

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Travis Swanson-

I played the strings, my fingers numb and calloused to the cords as I listened for my favorite notes to sound.

I stared outside, studying the snow as it piled on the ground of the campus.

I hummed "baby it's cold outside" as I plucked the strings, the melody falling in perfect tune.

I felt festive. It was nearly thanksgiving break, I was trying to avoid thinking about my finals coming up.

I needed help. I was failing. Bad.

I shook my head, setting my guitar back on its stand before grabbing my coat and pulling on my shoes.

I grabbed my keys and began driving to Carmen's studio.


"Ahh there he is!" He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes, shaking the snow off my hair.

"This is Travis?" The man I didn't know asked.

"Yes sir, and you are?" I offered my hand.

"Weston. Wes is fine. I've heard a lot about you." He smiled, taking my hand in a solid shake before letting it go.

"Yeah, I had to brag. Sorry bro, but you gotta pass this semester! I was telling him about your guitars and some of the songs you love playing." Carm patted my shoulder.

"I'm a student director. And a musician. And if possible- with your permission- I'd love to do some music with you. I heard you wanted to be in a band with Carmen one day and I'd love to make that happen." He shrugged.

"A 2-man band?" I questioned, skeptical.

"No. You'd meet people, find people to suit your edgy aesthetic. But you two would be together regardless of course. The only issue is I can't jump the gun. I'd prefer you have your degree in music, those skill they'll teach you are life changing. And I heard you're having trouble with your general classes. Am I wrong?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Wow. Deep diving into my life. Thanks Carmen." I elbowed him in the rib and he just laughed.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm nosy and all up in your ass right now, theoretically of course, I just live on your floor and I hear you play. And Carmen's a bit more easy to approach than you." He shrugged.

"You don't know me." I tilted my head.

"I know. Looks wise though. Anyways, how about a free tutor?" He asked.

"You?" I chuckled.

"Oh hell no. A smart person, one of those little over achievers, we can pick one and-"

"Hold on- I'm not for this masculine degrading shit. Those people are smart, they're human, and they hold different interests than other individuals. I don't like your personality, I don't like the way you talk, and I don't like humans you don't even know being degraded. I should be on my way, let me know when he's gone please." I patted Carm's back, grabbing my shit before leaving.

I hated that conversation, but I did need help. And I knew my friends couldn't help me, so I found myself parking outside the main office.

I stuck my hands in my coat pockets, approaching the desk.

"How can I help you?" The lady asked and I smiled.

"Yes, can I please get assistance finding a tutor?" I didn't know how to do this, who to ask, or even if they offered this kind of help.

"Of course. Follow me." She stood, walking me to a room of files.

"What class do you need help with?" She asked.

"General ed? Primarily language arts?" I shrugged.

"Perfect, give me a second." She looked around as I stood there, rolling on the balls of my feet.

"Okay, what days would you like the help?" She asked and I raked through my small memory.

"Anytime really. Except Fridays." I nodded.

Fridays I had two classes. Morning and night.

"Awesome. Do you have a preference on whether it's a girl or guy? I know some people get uncomfortable and I'm rambling." She laughed.

"You're fine and I don't mind really." I shrugged.

"Okay, well look through these, see who you like." She handed me about 5 files.

The first was a 21 year old guy, named Olly, average of 4.1 GPA, athlete, D1 basketball. He was only available Tuesday nights and I didn't prefer one night.

I looked in the second. It was a girl named Amanda, she was 25, average 3.8 GPA, she always was free, but she primarily tutored for those struggling in chemistry.

The third was a 20 year old girl named Hailey. She was done with her gen ed, working on her bachelors in youth education, she was always available except Thursday's and weekends. But she added an interest, she read.

I raked over the fourth and fifth. But I liked Hailey's resume the best. I was curious about why she'd given away so much about herself.

And I was free when she was.

"Ma'am? Sorry I picked one." I smiled, she took the files and she chuckled.

"I love her. Sweetheart." She sighed.

"You know her?" I asked.

"I do, she used to bring me coffee her freshman year." She winked and I nodded, confident in my choice.

"I'll give you her email so you can talk about meeting up. I unfortunately don't have anything more personal or quick. But she'll answer." She handed me the small sticky-note with black writing on it.


I hummed, thanking her before leaving.

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