5. Intuition

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Hailey Aspen-

"So are they coming?" Hudson asked and I nodded.

"With pizza." I smiled, sitting crisscrossed on my bed in my pajamas.

"Are they nice?" Connor asked.

"I'm not sure about his best friend but he is. I tutored him this morning and he told me that he wanted to be in a band one day and I know you two feel the same way." I shrugged.

"Do you have a crush on the dude?" My brother asked and I laughed.

"No. I met him once." I rolled my eyes.

"Mmhm. Okay." Hudson teased and I shook my head, laughing.

"I'm not sure what his friend plays but I know he is a guitarist." I nodded.

"Acoustic or electric?" Connor asked, sitting at the foot of my bed.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Fair." Hudson sat on my bed as well, poking my cheek.

"You look cold." He told me.

"I am. It's alright." I smiled at my twin.

"You'll both be nice yeah?" I nodded when knocks appeared on the door.

"Super nice." Connor laughed and I stood, answering the door.

"Come in." I moved, letting them come inside my small dorm.

"Hi, I'm Carmen." A taller, blonde guy walked up to me and I smiled.

"Hailey. It's nice to meet you." I offered my hand which he shook kindly.

"Hi Hailey." Travis gave me a soft smile.

"Hey." I closed the door behind them.

"Travis, Carmen, my brother Hudson and his best friend Connor." I smiled, both my brother and Connor seeming tense.

"Nice to meet you." Travis offered a hand to my brother first and he seemed surprised.

"Likewise." My brother stood, returning the gesture.

"Are you twins?" Carmen asked.

"Unfortunately." Hudson joked.

"Ass." I grumbled.

"You can sit if you don't mind the floor." I told them and they all sat.

Travis set the pizza boxes down and I brought paper plates over that I kept in a mini fridge.

"Drinks? I have iced tea, water, Pepsi." I looked at them.

"Water for me please." Carmen smiled.

"Me as well." Travis nodded.

"Connor, Hudson?" I asked.

"Same for us." They both told me so I grabbed four and set them down.

I smiled when they began talking amongst themselves. I didn't feel like the middle anymore as they were laughing and cracking jokes, sharing stories and opinions on their friendships and their views on certain things.

I grabbed my book, sitting on my bed.

"Sis, you want any?" Hudson asked me and I looked at him.

"I can wait." I nodded.

"You can eat, I bought a lot for a reason." Travis nodded.

"Uhm, alright." I nodded and Travis gave Hudson a plate with two pieces on it that he gave to me.

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