06. matthew

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Ever since that post was made. I did not know what to do. I didn't even think about how Morgan felt. I only thought about how upset my sister would be. I could not kiss her best friend and keep it from her.

I went outside and went to the gas station. It was only about a 10 minute walk from my house and it was nice to get out and not have anyone know who I was. That's something I liked about adults, they never knew much about my personal or school life, so I could be whoever I wanted to be with them.

When I got to the gas station, I picked up some chips and my favourite soda. I put it on the counter and pulled out my phone from my pocket.

"That will be $6.20." The cashier says. I was pretty sure she's new. She had blonde dyed hair and blue eyes. She had a little birth mark in the same place as I did - on the right side of her neck. Her skin was tan, but it looked natural. It suited her.

"Oh, I'll pay with card." I respond. She could tell I was checking out her face and she smiled slightly, the tips of her ears making a rosy pink colour.

"Do you live around here?" She asks.

"Um, yeah, down that street."

"Nice." She says, her gaze returning to the cash register.

The receipt pops up and she grabs it. Instead of giving it to me, she grabs a pen, and writes something on the back of it.

"Here you go." She looks at me.

"Thanks, have a good day." I respond.

"You too."

I flip over the receipt to read what she wrote. It said:

"Ur cute, here's my snap"

I chuckled, thinking that she was bold. I guess it's easy when you never know if you'll see that person again. I read her snap and put the receipt in my pocket, walking back home.

When I got home, my sister was about to leave.

"Hey, I'm on my way to Morgan's for dinner. I can ask if you can come if you like." She says.

I'm guessing she has not yet seen the post. I know my sister. She would be freaking out if she knew. Yelling at me and Morgan.

"Nah it's fine," I reply, "I'll heat up some leftover chicken. You have fun though."

And with that she left.

I open the fridge at get out the chicken. I take it out of the container and put it on a plate. While turning on the microwave, I get a text from Isabelle Donovan.

Isabelle and I were a "couple" when I was in the eighth grade. She was a year younger than me in seventh grade. We only dated for three weeks, but we've stayed in touch since then. She's nice and has became friends with my sister. I see her around once in a while and always say hi, sometimes also ask how she is if I have time.

Text from "Isabelle Donovan" at 6:10 PM: Hey, is that you kissing Morgan in this photo?

Text sent at 6:11 PM: Yeah, that's me. Please do not tell anyone though, okay?

Text from "Isabelle Donovan" at 6:13 PM: Yeah, I know. I just got off the phone with Morgan.

Okay, so Morgan does know about the photo.

I wonder if she is upset that I did not reach out to her, to ask her if she saw it. Maybe I should have gone with Hailey to get pizza.

I can't believe I cared so much about what my sister thought, and not about what she thought.

I distract myself by turning on a movie, letting the noise cancel out the buzzing of my phone. I left every message, snap, call, and dm unread. I was so drained of energy to pick up my phone and think of some lame excuse to get myself out of this situation.

When I finish the movie, my sister gets home.

"Matthew?" She yells.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"I need to ask you something." Her tone is serious. She sounds equally curious and like she found out something. I keep calm and head towards the stairs.

"Yeah?" I say, slowly walking down the steps.

"Why did I get about 30 tags for something you did?" She asks, like how my mom would when she's upset with me.

"I don't know," I lie to her, "do you know?" I try to make it sound like a question, but it comes out more as a statement.

"No, the post was taken down before I got to see it."

"Hm, I don't know then, sorry Hail." I say, starting to walk back up the staircase, as she grabs onto the sleeve of my hoodie, telling me she's not done talking.

"Do you have a new girlfriend? Some of the comments said how you and Kaitlyn only just broke up."

I stop. I don't turn back to look at her. I don't want to.

"You do." She says.

"Why do you care. It's my business and not yours."

"Because I don't want you to make a mistake." She responds.

"That's my problem, Hailey, not yours."

"It will become my problem when you're heartbroken, disliked, and hiding from everyone."

"Just because I like a new girl I will be disliked?" I ask.

"That was an exaggeration, but I mean, if you keep running from reality, you will run into problems."

"Great, thanks Hail." I say, before pulling my arm away from her and walking to my room.

It's not her business. This is mine and Morgan's business. She doesn't get a say in who I can and can't date. I decided in that moment that I wanted to go for Morgan. I took the gas station receipt and put it in my trash can. I then unlocked my phone and opened my text messages.

Text sent at 9:01 PM: Are u busy?

Text sent at 9:01 PM: Are u busy?

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