02. matthew

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Why'd I let her see that. And why'd I call her my sisters friend. I know Morgan is so much more than that to me and if anything, she's like a sister to me. I knew I needed to apologize again but Morgan's already left and I hope she didn't tell Hailey what she saw.

Morgan and I met when she first came to my house. She was kind of awkward but in a cute way. Ever since then she's been super nice to me and always asks how my football practices are going.

"Kids, dinner!" Mom yells from the kitchen

"Okay!" I respond, getting my sister from her room too and bringing her downstairs.

"Hey mom said-" I say but she interrupts me.

"I get it! Can you leave me alone now?" Hailey never reacts this way. Maybe she heard about me and Kaitlyn making out on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing. Can't you take a hint? I've already been asked to be left alone but here you are still talking to me. Go away." She responds.

Okay, I guess.

When I go downstairs for dinner, mom asks where Hailey is. I tell her and she calls my sister again.

"Hailey, come downstairs for dinner please!"

"OKAY I'M WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS." Hailey yells as she stomps her feet. I don't know what's gotten into her.

As we all sit down at the table, mom passes around the lasagna dish.

"Thanks mom, this looks amazing." I say.

"You're welcome." She responds as she smiles. "So, how was everyone's day?"

"It was good," I respond "the hockey team had a practice today. It was pretty tiring but worth it. I also got a 92 on my Physics test."

"That's great! Good job! What about you, Hailey?" Mom asks.

"You know, the usual." She says, dragging her fork around her uneaten plate of lasagna.

"How about this instead then. What was the best part of your day?" She says.

"Uhh let me see. Not much I guess. Morgan came over after school." She says, glaring at me when she said after school.

What did I do?

As I grab another slice of lasagna, Hailey says she has to go to the bathroom, and before my parents can excuse her, she stormed off.

"Matty, do you know if she's upset?" Mom asked, looking concerned.

"I think she's mad at me. I don't know what I did wrong, though." I still can't think of anything I could've done to make her so mad.

When she comes back from that bathroom, she starts eating her lasagna. She won't look at me at all.

"So, Hailey. What did you and Morgan-" I say before getting interrupted, again.

"Why do you care Matthew? She's not your friend." Now I know why she's mad. This must have something to do with Morgan.

"Did you and Morgan get into a fight or something?" I ask.

"No. Stop assuming everything."

"I'm sorry, you just seem upset." I say. I hope she'll tell me what's wrong.

"Well I'm not. So you can stop bringing up my best friend, you're basically in love with her at this point." Hailey's voice starts to get louder.

"I'm not in love with her! She's our friend."

My Best Friend's Brother | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora