Chapter 31 - unknown POV.

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[sorry for the late update, folks.]

OCCASIONAL SPRINKLES of water fell onto my pelt as I ran next to the stream. The flowing water crashed into rocks and pebbles, sending cool showers of water that calmed me down.

It had been too long since I was allowed to get out and run in my wolf form, something that wolf-shifters innately longed for. If deprived for long enough, the wolf would forcibly shift, completely controlling every movement until it was satisfied. My wolf had been nearing that dangerous cliff; I didn't want to think about how they would ensnare my wolf into submission.

We slowed to a walk.

With lots of convincing and promises, the coven finally allowed us an hour to run. No more, or they would send their enforcers to track us down and bring us back. By force.

I wasn't looking forwards to going back to camp any time soon, so I promised to make the best out of our free time.

Let's go hunt.

"No objection made. My claws are itching to kill."

My wolf led the way across the stream, jumping on dry, stable rocks. I already had enough trouble controlling both my legs. I couldn't imagine being in charge of double the number. I'd cry a river of tears and never leave my cave.

On the other side, we shot towards the trees, rocky floors hot from the sun turning into springy mossy undergrowth.



"Behind the rotting fallen tree."

My wolf crouched and raised her haunches, sneakily creeping towards the grey animal. Its ears were perked as it nibbled on clover plants, eyes darting in all directions as it prepared to run – jump away – at the slightest hint of a predator. Too bad it wouldn't notice us until it was too late. By then, even having eaten a four-leaf clover wouldn't save it.

Just as Tala prepared to jump, a twig fell a few metres always from the rabbit. We weren't going to refuse a chase, so we leapt after the blur of grey.

Bouts of adrenaline pumped into my blood, making our vision red with a thirst for blood. Leaping over rocks and bushes, we were never far from our prey, but couldn't catch up.

"Wait for it to get tired. We'll pounce then. For now, just keep quiet," my wolf commanded.

You're the one in control! Do it yourself!

Tala had always been a possessive freak. Since I could shift, she always wanted control over every action and movement. It took years for her to learn to control herself. Before then, she would break through the mental barrier whenever she could, causing us to shift in any and every circumstance. Her blood-hungry personality didn't contribute much to the cause. The coven had to limit our interaction with the outside society until she finally learnt.

Although she finally obeyed, it was only through the use of brutality and torture. In my eyes, it only made the condition worse. It also didn't help that they often punched her, and therefore me, in the eye.

The rabbit finally stopped, and I realised it looked much smaller than I had originally anticipated.

It must be a bunny.

"Mmmm. Tender, unlike their stringy parents," Tala licked her lips and barred her pointy teeth.

Tala cornered the bunny into some thorny bushes, blocking its only way out. I sighed as I watched her play with her prey.

With a quick slice of her nail, she dug her claws into its fur and happily sat down.

As Tala tore into the poor animal, I extended her senses into the surroundings. Wolves have better sensory abilities than humans, and as we occupied her wolf form, I could make the most of her capabilities.

I heard the usual: the rustling of leaves, falling twigs, shrieks of prey getting caught, Tala chewing on a bone, and the faraway sound of the stream. I paused, hearing some voices in the distance. Using a wolf's awareness of their surroundings, I noticed the voices were further away compared to the stream. The fact that it was louder than the stream, meant that whoever was talking didn't bother to keep their voices down.

Come on. We're going to check out the voices.

"I'm bringing the bone."

We followed the sound and ended at a grassy clearing.

A bungalow overridden with plants, vines and flowers lay in the centre of the space. Off to the side of the house was a crowd of six to seven wolf-shifters. Wolf-shifters could sense each other, solving the problem of how to identify one another. But our ability placed us in a predicament: we could sense them; they could sense us.

"They won't. They're too busy doing some cult ritual."

Still. If someone paid attention, they would.

"There's a group of them, so the chances that they'll notice another wolf-shifter is close to zero."

"Blaze," a female said. "It's your turn."

From our current position, we could hear their conversation crystal clear but were visually blocked by large, hanging leaves. We quietly navigated around the barrier, but accidentally scrapped against a thorn bush.

Hissing, we turned to see a scrape across our flank, dots of blood appearing. I couldn't stop my eyes from trailing over the other scars we've accumulated over the years which shone stark against Tala's black and sand-coloured fur.

When the coven initially revealed us to the world, I had been shameful of the scars we bore and couldn't hide. In a sick sense, the coven did us a favour by keeping us locked up; but they were also the reason for our scars.

We were sent confused and a few disgusted looks, but nada people could give two thoughts. To put it simply: no one cared. I eventually realised and stopped looking for other wolf-shifters' validation – all except for one.

But even after overcoming the insecurity caused by the scars, I rarely showed them. In my human form, they could be easily covered up by clothes, but my wolf form was more challenging.

I preferred to keep everything to myself. No one needed to know.

Tala finally turned back to face the cult ritual where the largest wolf of the group was looking alertly in our direction.

He must've heard your yelp.

"I did not yelp! Only prey yelp!"



OOOoooOOOOO, getting exciting now... unknown POV!! Who do you think it is?

You can probably tell by now that this person's wolf (Tala) has some serious issues. 

Yesterday, I spent 4 hours at school. It was a SATURDAY!

I'm not that psycho  I had PSATs. Ugh. I'm glad that's finally over.


Chapter 32: 22october2022

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