Chapter 1.

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"IT'LL BE GOOD for you," Amelia reminded me for the hundredth time that morning. "Some-"

"-time away from our busy lives preparing for college," I cut in before Amelia could continue her explanation speech.

Amelia took my hands and twined them with her own.

"But you do know doing something adventurous and fun for once is good for you."

Loudly sighing, I slid her hands away and raised them in a placating gesture. "Yes, yes, I do."

A smile graced Amelia's face. "Great, let's get the show on the road!"

Turning away to face the window and snowy surroundings, I wondered who pushed me to get into a plane from Colorado to Bardufoss, Norway, then drive to Bardu.


Oh yeah, the ass of a hole who unceremoniously dumped me on graduation day.

Amelia had probably taken pity on me and decided to bring me somewhere adventurous. Or she was tired of my sulking and wanted to do something fun for a change.

On the side of the snow-paved tree-lined road stood a wooden plate. Polar Park. Arctic Wildlife Centre.

Soon, we found ourselves standing next to a wolf statue carved in stone. What got to me, though, was the size of the wolf.

"Wolves aren't that big, are they?" I voiced my growing concerns about safety.

Amelia, who had been staring off into the distance, whipped her head around to me. "Huh?"

"The wolf."

"Oh, of course not!" Amelia laughed it off before returning her sights into the distance.

A man wearing a black puffer approached us.

"Hi Amelia and Kate," he greeted when he got close enough to us, "how was your journey?"

I stood there in surprise as my brain comprehended his knowledge of my name. Luckily, Amelia responded.

"It was great, thank you! The environment and nature in Norway are absolutely splendid!" Amelia replied with her bubbly nature.

Another person approached us.

"This is my ma- wife, Adrianne," he gestured, "and I'm Brian."

"Hello there, darlings!" Adrianne warmly greeted.

She wore an untied dark grey floor-length trench coat and rushed towards us in her red high heels with her arms outstretched.

When her 6'3 frame engulfed me in a hug, I got a lungful of sweet floral perfume.

As she pulled back, I admired her sense of style – her skin-tight liquid black pants and shirt, along with her heels that matched her bold red lipstick.

"Come along, we'll show you to the Wolf Lodge!"

As we walked, Brian and Adrianne told us about Polar Park's history and all the animals they have. "Of course, you'll be spending the most time with the wolves during your stay."

They continued showing us around the park and we were handed park maps.

Our suitcases were handed to a muscular worker who had brought them to our lodge, so we thankfully didn't have to haul our bags packed with winter attire around the large park.

After touring the park and eating lunch at the park restaurant, the owners of the park brought us to the Wolf Lodge.

I took a large breath as we walked into the spacious wooden cabin. The interior design was magnificent, but what drew my attention was the large window that spanned across the entire back wall.

Beyond the window lay 3 wolves, body stretched out in content.

"-our best wolf expert, Ian, will take you to meet the wolves in person tomorrow morning at 9 am." Adrianne reminded me before leaving.

When the door shut, Amelia and I turned to each other and started screaming.


"YEAH! Tomorrow's going to be so much fun!"

We rushed into one of the bedrooms and started jumping on the bed.

After our happiness calmed and we stopped screaming, I asked, "will people not hear us screaming our heads and hearts out?"

Amelia gave me a look of disappointment.

"What..." I prompted when she continued staring at me.

"The lodge is soundproof, silly. We can scream to our heart's content, and no one will know."

"You realise that sounds like you're gonna look for a hook-up", I commented, snorting.

Waggling her eyebrows, her eyebrows curled mischievously. "You never know."



What's up, guys?

I got my third coronavirus Phizer vaccination yesterday. Now I feel quite incompetent and a bit dumb. Just a bit. I don't know if it's just a side effect of the vaccine or if it's my true self...

QOTC - favourite school subject (could be a concept) of all time?
Wouldn't it be super cool to have a mandatory extreme sports subject at school? Something like sky diving, scuba diving, etc. I'd personally love to try sky diving - though the thought seems a tad scary.

Run wild!


P.S I got a mosquito bite on my left temple last night. It's kinda a weird place to get one... like, why did the mozzie choose to suck my blood there?

Look out for Chapter 2: 19Mar2022

My very own wolf familyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon