Chapter 10.

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Huffing, I reached up to brush the sweat from my forehead.

You'd think the amount of walking and physical exercise would've made me stronger.

"Wimp," her snickering filled my ears.

Ian peeked around the corner of the building, "You doing okay?"

I snorted and waved my gym back. "Does this look like I'm okay?"

"You're doing pretty good, considering the weight of that bag." Ian added, "I'd never be able to lift that."

"Gee, thanks," I deadpanned. I was pretty sure he could, how else would he have that bubble-butt?

Despite my huffs and obvious want-help signals, Ian seemed oblivious to my pain.

"And we're here!" Ian spread his hands out in a welcoming gesture, "our humble living quarters."

The building was a simple beige two-story, what I assumed was standard staff quarters.

Since there would be tourists staying at the Wolf Lodge, I was sent to live alongside Ian in his 'supposedly biggish room'. His words, not mine.

As we made our way to Ian's room, I took the time to really admire the decorations in the staff dormitories. Not.

All the other 20 staff members were out – it was business hours – leaving us with cleared out, quiet corridors.

At this point, I had realised the bag I had been given to carry my belongings had retractable wheels, so I cursed out the bag but made use of my new discovery.

"You can sleep in this room, Katie," Ian gestured through the open door.

His 'room' wasn't really a room. More like a condo. The room he showed me into had royal blue velvet sheets and curtains and light beige walls.

I was originally surprised by the high-endquality of the furniture in the condo, before remembering money wasn't aconsideration for the staff. Adrianne and Brian paid really well. How did they haveso much money? I wasn't planning on asking any time soon.

 How did they haveso much money? I wasn't planning on asking any time soon

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A groaning and muttered curse woke me from my light sleep. [A/N: it's not what you think it is!]

As I gathered the will to roll out of the warm comfortable sheets, I heard the sound of bones cracking and the rustling of clothes.


"Not sketchy."

Yes, it is! Why are there the sounds of bones cracking? How are there so many bones in the first place?

While I had an internal debate, the bones cracked again.

I kicked into action and hopped out of the bed and ran into the scene to confront the skeleton.

Haha, but no.

Instead, I fell out of the bed, tripped over the duvet on the floor and hit my forehead.

Clutching my head in pain, I stumbled towards the living room.

"No, that's not possible," I muttered.

In front of me laid a beige coloured wolf on his side. Hmm, how come I've never seen him before?

I frantically shook and hit the side of my head in hopes of stopping my hallucination. It probably made my brain even dumber.

When I realised what I saw was real, I crept closer only to gasp and clutch my chest. A pool of blood lay, surrounding the wolf. The dense metallic stench made me gag and cower.

Whimpering, the sound of bones cracking once again filled the silence.

I tried to shout but no sound left my mouth.



Hey, I have a lot of things to apologise for in this chapter. Please don't send me death notes if you're unhappy that I ended with a cliff-hanger. I'm sorry!

I also apologise if I keep alternating between American and British English. At school, we're meant to use British English, but they don't really enforce it... so we end up saying 'center' instead of 'centre' (amongst other stuff). And I STILL don't understand why it's 'enter' in British English. So don't hesitate to comment if it's not in British English.

My biology and chemistry tests went really well, I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a decent grade (I'll keep you updated if that's what you want). All that is left is physics - the hardest for me.

QOTC: what hair colour + style is your favourite? (I have nothing better to ask ;)   )
I LOVE Megan Fox's dark hair and waves. I like medium-length warm brown messy hair on males (hahaha).


Look out for Chapter 11: 14May2022

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