I'll Protect You... No Matter What...

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Present Time

Y/n PoV

I finished bandaging Akali's wrist a while back

I also confiscated her knife before we got back to the guest room.

Lucky break that Chris wasn't woken up.

I barely managed to tell her about Lily without breaking down.

Lily has always been a sore spot to talk about.

We sat together on the guest room bed, both of us too exhausted to speak after the whole ordeal.

Eventually, I managed to build the strength to speak.

Me: "I'll admit it, I've done a lot of fucked up shit. But I didn't deserve to lose Lily for it."

I'd done well to keep my emotions to a minimum, but talking about Lily finally managed to crack me.

Me: "I loved her, with all my heart. She was my precious baby sister, she was too kind for this world."

I sniffled as I wiped away my tears.

Me: "You know how it feels to lose someone you'd give your life for. So I ask you, why would you ever take your own life?"

She dropped her head in shame.

Me: "Did you even think, how it would affect the people around you?"

She stayed silent.

Me: "Do you think your sister would be happy if you ended yourself?"

She squeezed the bed covers tightly.

I sigh.

Me: "I care about you Akali. You can trust me, I know how it feels to be alone. I understand you Akali."

I place my hand on her shoulder.

Me: "I'm here for you because I will always be able to relate to you."

She shifts closer in response.

Akali: "I'm sorry..."

I feel her hand squeeze mine.

Akali: "This whole time I was scared... I was scared to rely on you... I kept telling myself that you would only leave me..."

She took a shaky breath as she collapsed on my side.

Akali: "I was wrong... And I promise... that I'll rely on you... When I need it...."

She takes another shaky breath.

Akali: "I have to tell you... The truth Y/n..."

She closed her eyes and laid her head on my lap.

Akali: "It hurts Y/n... it hurts so much... I just wanted it to end..."

She curls up like a child would on its mother's lap.

Akali: "I'm sorry for hurting you... I'll never do it again... I promise."

My heart ached, my instincts were screaming at me to protect her.

Me: "It's okay... I forgive you."

I patted her head.

Akali: "No... Don't forgive me so easily... You have every right to be angry at me..."

She starts tearing up again.

Akali: "You gave me a home to stay in... Offered me a family... And saved me from my stupidity... I have fundamentally disrespected you..."

She slowly got off my lap and stood up in front of me.

The Greatest Noxian (Highschool K/DA x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum