The Dancer

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Sorry, I know you were expecting Transfer Students, but I'm just not feeling it today.

It's 1 am, I just want to get something out there.

Kai'sa PoV

Some people love the idea of traveling and visiting new places...

I sigh as I rub my sore neck.

On paper, it seems nice to experience new cultures.

I stand in front of the mirror brushing my teeth with a bored expression.

But in all truth, traveling is my worst enemy.

Putting on my new uniform, I notice it fits a little too tight.

It's not because I hate seeing new places.

As I walk down the stairs, my Dad greets me warmly while sitting at the dining room table.

It's because I know, I'll never be able to go back.

Kassadin: "Sit down honey, I made bacon and eggs for you."

I miss my friends, all of them.

I sat with a fake smile on my face.

I always fall for the same trap. I always believe that the new place I go to will be my home.

Grabbing a knife and fork, I dug into the admittedly tasty-looking food.

My Dad always says it's the last time. But that's never true...

I take a sip of coffee and make conversation with my Dad.

I'm tired of making friends only to lose them a few months later.

Me: "What is work looking like this time, Dad?"

Frankie, Joane, Mark, Eddie, Lin, Lily, Anne, Ana, Ava, Richard, Demarcus and...

Kassadin: "More of the same luckily."


I smiled at my Dad.

Me: "That's good to hear."

I hope he's better now... That's all I can do now. Hope... that things are looking up for him.

My Dad frowned as he apologized.

I know you're sorry Dad... but I can't keep doing the same song and dance over, and over again.

Me: "It's okay Dad. I understand."

I'm done with that. I don't care how lonely it gets.

He gave me a hopeful smile.

I won't bother making any new friends.

Me: "We should get going Dad, I don't want to be late."

Never again.

Kassadin: "I'll get the car ready."

I nodded and finished eating my breakfast.

I grabbed the plate as I stood up.

Walking over to the kitchen, I notice all the boxes piled up everywhere.

I'm going to need to unpack everything later.

I sigh internally.

At least I don't have much to do this time.

The Greatest Noxian (Highschool K/DA x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora