The Reunion

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I noticed something as I approached, something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

He leaned down to his brother and hugged him.

The hell...?

I sneak closer to him.

And here I was thinking Noxians didn't give a shit about anything but themselves.

His brother ran off leaving him alone, he let out a sigh and glanced around.

Nothing crazy going on just yet.

Then he spots someone, off in the alternative entry of the school.

I look around that direction and see a tall Shuriman girl.

Woah... she's tall and gorgeous... holy God.

???: "B- Bookie!"

The Noxian sprinted after the Shuriman, who had now noticed his presence.

I continued to sneak closer when once again something caught my eye.

That's Evelynn and Ahri.

I notice Ahri was pointing at Y/n, while Evelynn looked dumbstruck at the sight.

Do they know each other?

How the hell would a Noxian, know an Ionian, and a Shuriman? 

I pretended to open up a locker.

Whatever this is, I don't want any part of it.

Y/n PoV

I felt my knees go weak at the mere sight of her.

It's you! it's really you!

Me: "B- Bookie!"

I yelled after her, she turned to face me with a shocked expression.

Sprinting towards her, I notice a huge smile grow on her face.

She runs towards me and stretches out her arms.

Then we met, I grabbed her from under her arms, allowing her to wrap her hands around my upper body.

Me: "K- Kai'sa...!"

I wanted to cry, the joy I felt was too much for my heart to handle.

Me: "I... I thought I'd never..."

She hushed me.

Kai'sa: "You don't need to say anything... I know, Y/n."

I whimper out and hug her tightly.

We shared a silent, but tender moment together.

Me: "Bookie!"

She caresses my hair.

Kai'sa: "I'm here Y/n."

I try not to sob on her, but my tears spilled out anyway.

Me: "Kai'sa! I've been getting better! The therapy worked! L- look at me."

She excitedly pulls away.

Kai'sa: "Have you been eating well."

I wipe away some of my tears and nod.

Me: "Its taken me a while, but I'm almost back to a healthy weight again."

She wiped away some of my tears as she started crying.

Kai'sa: "That's great news! *hic* I- I was worried sick about you!"

I helped her wipe away her tears.

The Greatest Noxian (Highschool K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now