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[ 2.11 — 2.14 ]

ELIJAH HAD FINALLY DONE IT — gone and made his alive presence known. Elena, in a stupid attempt to trick Rose into helping hand herself over to Klaus, was intercepted by the living Original. But instead of picking a fight and taking Elena with him, Elijah left her and Damon alone after killing the witnesses, confusing them greatly.

Wouldn't he want to hand her over to Klaus himself?

As if walking on eggshells and waiting for Elijah to reappear wasn't bad enough, in an attempt to get the moonstone from Katherine — which worked, admittedly — Stefan got himself trapped in the tomb with her. And to keep Elena from meddling with that whole situation, Bonnie spelled the Gilbert house so that Elena couldn't leave either.

It was stressful times like these that Lottie was quite glad she was a little older and not quite as involved in the supernatural drama. She needed some time after being kidnapped and the attack in the coffee shop.

So, when Carol Lockwood asked for her to work with Jenna and some new writer in town, she had no problem digging up some of her parents' historical things to show him. She'd much rather focus on that than whatever else was going on.

That was what Lottie was doing now — meeting Jenna at the Mystic Grill so that they could get a few supplies and then meet the writer at the Gilbert house. She could spot Jenna at a table with Alaric, likely explaining why she couldn't spend the Saturday with her boyfriend. Despite Alaric being a history teacher, even he would be bored by handing off boxes of old documents.

"So, now I'm playing historical society hostess to some writer who's doing his book on small-town Virginia," Jenna said with a sigh.

Alaric winced. "Well, that sounds..."

"Lame," she complained.

"Totally lame," Lottie added with a smile as she joined them at the booth. "But I'll make it better."

"Definitely," Jenna said, smiling up at the younger girl. "You'll charm the pants off this guy. As for me, Carol Lockwood played the 'dead husband' card, said she was too busy to deal. Plus, my sister kept most of the archives, so there you have it."

As Jenna got up, she leaned over and gave Alaric a quick kiss goodbye.

"Bye, Alaric," Lottie said, waving to him. Given that he was never her teacher before she graduated, she never felt a need to call him Mr. Saltzman.

"Try to have fun, girls," he told them.

Jenna pulled a face that made Lottie giggle as they stepped outside and toward her car. Lottie had walked from her house to get there, wanting to get outside for a while before being cooped up with a bunch of documents for the book.

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