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[ 2.18 — 2.19 ]

KLAUS MIKAELSON WAS QUITE PLEASED WITH HIMSELF even if he hated the body of the human history teacher that he was inhabiting. He'd just finished compelling some little teenager to let Elena Gilbert, his doppelgänger, know that he was in town and ready for her. The decade dance was a great and dramatic place to make a move.

Now, the Original was poking around the classroom and his eyebrows went sky high as he found a half-empty bottle of bourbon hidden in one of the desk drawers.

"I think you might need a new profession," he muttered to Alaric's body, a bit amused by it all. Klaus then found a paper coffee cup to pour some of the alcohol into — he'd need it if he was going to have to ramble through three more classes after this lunch break that didn't have his doppelgänger in them to keep up appearances.

Mere seconds after he relaxed into the rolling chair behind the desk, the door of the classroom was thrown open, and a flurry of blonde hair rushed by. Even without his usual senses, the scent coming from the human had him tensing all his muscles.

Then as Klaus really looked at her — he'd never wanted to be in his own body so much, looking at something with his own eyes — the breath was knocked from his chest. There was no way to describe the feeling that exploded in his entire being, the symphony of her, her, her and the stars that were singing in his cold, dead heart. Because this one human girl was so right, so special, and so destined to be his.

Klaus wanted to curl up against her until he didn't know where she ended and he began. He wanted to goddamn frolic in the fields and run off into the sunset so long as it was with this girl. He wanted — more than anything he'd ever wanted before.

Lottie was clueless to this life-changing thought process that was going through the Original's mind. After all, she thought that it was Alaric sitting at the desk and so she hardly spared him a glance. She only moved toward his storage closet with purpose, already in such a rush.

"Alaric, please tell me that you still have the extra blue paint from making the signs for the barbecue fundraiser."

It took a moment longer for Klaus to find his — well, Alaric's — voice. "I'm not sure. You'll have to dig through all that."

At that answer, Lottie let out a sigh. She had been fixing decorations in the gym all morning, and there was still so much to be done. She was hoping Alaric could've magically handed over the paint.

"Some Freshman on the basketball team tripped and ripped the welcome banner," Lottie complained while pushing various school supplies to the side. "I've got to remake it. Which, at least it's acrylic and not like working at home with my oil paints. I will not let some teenage boy ruin this dance."

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