Cold Metal

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My top ripped and she glanced toward my chest. "What. Is. That." She knew the answer, I didn't bother answering. The more I talked, the worse it could get. It was Victor's iPhone. She dropped me to the cold wood floor and walked away. Was she coming back? I didn't know how much time I had left so I turned Victor's phone on, seeing missed messages from Kota and the others  on the lock screen. The phone seemed to have recognized my face and unlocked for me. How did Victor put my facial recognition on his phone? My fingers scrambled to find messages, I called the first person I could find. Nathan. 

"Victor? I thought you were out-"

Footsteps thundered through the hallways and all I managed to get out was, 


I didn't hang up, but I threw the phone under my bed. My Mother walked in with my Dad's wrench from the shed. She paused, as if lost. Had she forgotten? I took my chance, "Did you need anything" My voice filled with all the sweetness and confidence I could muster. 

She flinched, almost looking weak. Then slowly, the evil seeped back into her gaze. "Yes, I need you to stop. Stop being such a slut. Stop doing drugs. Stop lying to me. Just stop and be a good person for once." Her eyes never once met mine. She was focusing on anything else in the room. Her voice went soft, "Be a good girl for me? Come here?" Her arms were open.

She wanted... to hug? I nodded, reluctantly. I walked over to her with my arms slightly open. My heart was beating. For once, I felt wanted. She was forgiving me with open arms, I could do as she instructed. This was worth everything. All the pain and tears. She wanted me. She wanted me. She wanted me. I couldn't help but feel relieved, like any bad thing could try to come between us but as long as we had this memory to look back on, she would remember to love me. 

Her mouth crept into a smile and just before we embraced, cold metal slammed against my bare stomach. My father's wrench. I fought for air as she jabbed higher towards my chest. "You won't want boys to touch there anymore". Is this what she wanted? She thought by hurting me in those areas men would stay away? I felt foolish. This was the one opportunity I had to trust her and I fell for it immediately. I hadn't realized I was on the floor until my Mom leaned over me. She swung at my inner thighs, hips, back, ribs, everything she could reach. I couldn't hear anything over my sobbing. 

Then everything went black.

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