Constant Bruising

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My mothers familiar, cold hands grasped my throat. I awoke from my deep sleep begging for air.


"Why did I get a call from the principal. you had detention?"

I whispered through the pain, "Please, I can explain tomorrow. Get some sleep, you... look... Tired."

"God, you can't even control yourself in class!" Her voice raised. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, she guided me from the bed into the kitchen. She grabbed a box-cutter and carved deep lines at my knees. Grabbing lemon juice and a salt shaker, she poured it on the tiled flooring. She had me kneel on torn skin, stinging struck through both legs. My bones rattled through the agony. "I will discuss this with your father. Until then, stay."

She had refreshed the lemon and salt three times that night. It was now 7:15AM, father came to make his morning coffee when he glanced down at me, "What happened?" My eyes flickered to my parent's bedroom. "Get ready for school. I'll talk to her."

My knees shook as I tried standing. Crimson blood had dried to my skin and the floor. I spent fifteen minutes cleaning the mess I made, then quickly pulled my hair back with a clip. A purple mark rested on my throat. Not wanting the boys to worry, I used some of Marie's left over makeup to cover the bruise.

"Trouble, class is over." I yawned as Gabriel rubbed my back. Had I fallen asleep? Why didn't he wake me? Gabriel must have seen the question in my eyes and answered, "You looked tired. I was doing you a favor. Don't ask me for the notes though, I didn't write them". We made our way to the hall, meeting the rest of the boys for lunch. Once we were all together Gabriel announced to the group, "Sang didn't sleep last night."

"I didn't say that." I responded.

"You didn't have to"

"Do you guys seriously have to know everything. I'll tell you the next time I stub my toe." sarcasm leaked through my strained voice.

"What happened to your voice?" asked Luke. "Are you sick?

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, tired of talking. My throat really was sore.

"Watch out!" A voice called as freezing water drenched the upper half of my body. I fell, my chest lost air as a figure crashed into me. "Oh my God, do you need CPR?!" His lips brushed mine for a split second until he hit the ground far away from me. Silas had threw him off with one arm. North scooped me up and the rest of the boys circled around me, walking away from the crowd.

"Where'd the water come from?" I asked.

"That wasn't an accident. He came with a bucket of water and pretended to trip. His friends were laughing behind him." Kota's fists were clenched.

"It was an excuse to touch you." Nathan huffed.

"Trouble, you really can't keep boys away from you, can you?" Gabriel teased. "I have to fix your hair."

"After." Kota commanded. They exchanged looks and continued walking. They always said I was one of them, but I didn't feel like it. How could I, when I never understood their silent communication? We charged into Doctor Green's office, he stood.

"What the fuck happened to your neck?" North roared.

"N-nothing." I mumbled.

"Obviously it was something, Sang."

"Don't yell at her." Victor said every word with precise.

"I can take it from here. Silas, stay and set her down. The rest of you," Doctor Green scanned the room, "Leave". The room was filled with silent objections but in the end, they obeyed. Doctor Green rushed over to me, gently gripping my chin and tilting upward. His warm breath lingered on my skin, how could he stay focused? If someone were to look at us from an angle, it would appear we were about to kiss. I blushed at the thought. Would I want to kiss him?

During his whole observation I elaborated on the lie that I was just tired this morning and I banged my throat right into my dresser when trying to find an outfit.

"Who?" He questioned.

"What do you mean?" I knew what he was asking. I just hoped he could let this go.

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