Pool Party

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I stepped into his house and was happily surprised to see that it was clean. Nathan had told me on the walk over that his dad was a pilot so was gone a lot, and I had thought that a teenage boy would take advantage of that and wreck his house.I'm happy that there isn't too much messed up. The closest is open a crack and there is a painting on the wall that is a cm out of line but since it is not my "space" I can deal with it. See, if these things were in my house or in my area--like my desk at school--I would be feeling the overwhelming urge to make everything perfect. It still nags at me when I see things out of line, even if it's not mine, but it is easier to ignore than if something was out of line on me. (((I know this isn't how real OCD people would feel, but I would go crazy making her want to fix everything in the world. Just remember Sang is original and this is how her OCD expresses itself.)))

We go up stairs and Nathan leads me to his bedroom. Here is a little bit dirtier with dirty clothes on the floor and his bed unmade. I just try not to focus on it. He goes over to his dresser and picks out a pair of gym pants and an old t-shirt with the words "T-Rex hates push ups" and underneath it has a T-Rex on his snout trying to do push ups, but his hands won't reach. I giggle a little and Nathan gives a grin before moving down a shelf and bringing out bathing suit bottoms. 

"You can get dressed here. Just come out to the back whenever you are ready," he said with one last smile before going out of the room and closing the door.

I stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before I get into gear. In a few minutes I'm changed and my clothes are folded neatly and in my hands. I look around for a place to put them and find a clean spot on his dresser. It is covered in empty water bottles with one spot, so after I put down my clothes I pick up the water bottles and put them in the little trash can that is located next to the dresser. I turn to go out the door but step on a shirt. I quickly pick up all the clothes and put them in the half empty hamper by the door. Next thing I know, his bed is made and the three pairs of shoes I found are neatly aligned at the end of his bed from biggest to smallest. My eyes widened at what I had almost done subconsciously and I race out the door Hopefully he won't see what I have done until I'm gone. That will be awkward.

I find Nathan outside in the middle of the pool which I expected, but now there is a stranger with his back to me and his feet in the pool. His back looks strong and tan with his swim short riding low on his hips. I can just see the peak of glasses behind his ears. 

"Hey Sang, I was beginning to think that you were just a figment of my imagination," Nathan calls after seeing me. 

At this, the stranger turns and looks at me. I almost gasp as I look into dark green beautiful eyes.

"Hi," the gorgeous man in front of me said. "I'm Kota. It's a pleasure to meet you. Sang, right?"

I give a nod and a small smile which he returns with a bright one of his own. 

I'm about to walk over to them when Nathan says, "Oh Sang. I put your towel on the chair that is next to you, just to let you know. Sorry it's not frilly and stuff, but I don't have a lot of girls over, soooo..." 

I nod and look over to my towel. It is half unfolded and was obviously tossed carelessly onto the sun chair. Now that he said it is mine, I can't help but unfold it and settle it across my chair smoothing it out so not a single ripple can be seen. I look up to see both guys observing me. Kota with a look of understanding and compassion, Nathan with curiosity. I almost panic but just decide to pretend like everything is normal. I walk over steadily and sit down next to Kota, about a foot away. I gently rest my feet into the water and am pleasantly surprised at the warmth of the water. Must be a heated pool. Taking a chance, I lower myself into the pool and feel the water support my body. I love the pressure of water. Even though it is rare that I am allowed to go into pools or lakes, the few times I have the water has made me feel like I won't drift off. Odd but it just makes me feel... like one person. Nothing around me, just a feeling of complete relaxation. 

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