Chapter 9 : Insecurities

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Raven's P.O.V.

I looked at mirror.

I smiled looking at my reflection.

I wear a black crop top and a black high waist jeans. I sometimes love to wear black.

"Umm Raven, Don't you think you should eat less. I mean don't offend but just look at your stomach" Alice told me.

Ella and Grace are minding their business.

I bit my lips, controlling my emotions.

"I mean you are beautiful but just eat little less then you will come in perfect body shape, just like how boys like" She said pointedly.


"Even if she will come in perfect body shape, still her colour is dim. But don't worry, I will give you face pack Raven. After using it, you can look a little better" Grace said to me.

"And about your hair, just cut it-" I cut Ella in her half sentence.

"I didn't remember asking any of your suggestion. Thank you so much for your advices but no one needed it here" I smiled at them and left to go to restroom.

I can feel burning holes in my head.

After coming in restroom, I washed my face.

I looked at the mirror infront of me.

I love myself and I don't care what others. Yes, I love myself and that's matter. What others say, just fuck it, yes I know I am beautiful and I always will-

'Fuck it Raven Wilson. Just look at yourself. Come out of imagination. They are telling truth. You are not beautiful. Just look at your stomach. You are not slim just like others, you are not fair just like other girls. Just look at your cheeks, they are so chubby, look at your hair, they are simple, not like other girls. You are a girl, you should know each and every thing about makeup but look at you Raven Wilson, you don't even know how to apply foundation and here you are telling you are beautiful'

"Is it my fault that I am not beautiful ?" I whispered. Tears rolling down my cheeks.

Yes, I am insecure. I am insecure about my body. I always am.

"Is it my fault that I grew up with 2 boys, My mom never taught me anything about makeup and stuff, my female cousins never talked to me nicely ?" I told myself wiping my eyes.

I washed my face again and came out of restroom and found no one in the room.

They must have gone already.

I sighed and sleep on my bed looking at the ceiling.

💭 Flashback 💭

Age : 11 years

Raven took makeup from her Mom's room and tiptoe to her room. She just shut the door.

She stood infront of mirror and started taking out makeup from bag.

She took out liquid foundation and opened the bottle. She took that and started rubbing it on her face making it whiten. She looked at herself. She didn't like it. She took handkerchief and rub it on her face. Still foundation was there.

She took eyeliner and tried to do it properly but not in her luck.

She next take lipstick, red lipstick and apply it on her lips. Not properly but still.

She looked at her open messy hair, she combed it and try to make a stylish bun.

She looked herself in the mirror. Not at all looking good.

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