Chapter 59 : Mom - Dad

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Author's P.O.V.

Raven : Ryder and Ryan are alive !!!

A pin drop silence from both sides. Ruby's eyes widened while Xander face becomes deprived of any emotions. Emotionless.

Ruby (sternly) : Raven, we are not going to argue on this topic again. Did you get that ?

Raven : But Mom, I am not lying.

Ruby : Raven Enough I said.

Raven : But Mom-

Ruby : ENOUGH !

Xander : Your Mom is right Princess, I know you missed your b-brothers, but-

Raven : NO DAD, I am not lying or joking. It's truth. I am telling you truth right now Dad, they both are alive and are here with me, if you don't believe me you can ask them too.

Her parents looked at Ivan and Alex and they nodded their head. They again looked at Pari as they thought she is the most responsible one. But to their surprise, she also nodded her head in agreement.

Raven : No need to look at them. I am telling truth. Why can't you guys believe me ?

Xander : Rav tell us from start. How did you know they are Ryder and Ryan, I mean it's been 14 years, then how ?

Raven : When I came to college, I saw these twins. Ryder and Ryan. I thought these same names could be a coincidence. But once when I went to their home to return them a wallet, I saw someone there and there I found everything.

Ruby : Whom did you found ? Tell me, Rav, please.

Raven : D-David Denmark

Xander's eyes widened while Ruby's jaw dropped. Their Bestfriend ? He is alive ? How could he ? And if he is alive then why didn't he contact them ? Why their sons are with him ? Moreover their sons are alive too ? 

So Many questions are roaming around their mind. They don't know what to feel, what to express and what to process !!!

Xander : B-But-

Raven : No Dad, he is not died. Infact, Ryder, Ryan and David survived from the accident.

Tears rolled down Ruby's cheeks as she sobbed. Xander hugged her immediately as tears glistened in his eyes too.

Afterall they just find that their sons are alive. After grieving over their death from 14 years, they just find out that their sons are not dead and are safe with their bestfriend. They are happy, scratch that they are the happiest right now thinking their sons are safe with their bestfriend.

But little did they know, their sons are anything but safe !!!

Ruby : I-I am coming right now there. W-We are going there h-honey, I want to m-meet my sons, I-I wanna see them, p-please book our tickets, p-please I wanna h-hug them. How much they must be missing their mother !! W-We are going t-there, X-Xander.

Xander : Ofcourse Sweetheart, we are going there right now. I will book tickets. Don't worry, we will hug them soon, hmm ? Don't cry now.

Raven's heart shattered seeing this. Her eyes glistened. Pari bit her lips while Alex and Ivan looked worried.

Raven don't want to break their happiness but she knows she have to. She don't want to tell them that their sons are being abused from last 14 years from their Bestfriend, because first it's not her side to tell them. And second, she doesn't want to see that broken look in her parents' eyes but she knows she have to do this.

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